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Messages - Munerift

General Chat / Job!
August 11, 2006, 03:38:24 PM
Why dont you send in an annonomous complaint to the Labor board in Texas and have them drop by for a surprise investigation of both work conditions and worker interviews.
General Chat / Job!
August 09, 2006, 08:14:59 PM
Oh crap, sorry to hear that! I can't believe they can even think of making you work those hours. Are you programming for Wally*World or something??!!?? There has to be some type of law against that somewhere for your state...
Dare I say you're a really cool guy and I like your humor; I dont think you'll have any problems getting in. =P I had to wait awhile too. ^_^
General Chat / Job!
August 04, 2006, 03:06:39 PM
I'm an hourly wager doing Worker's Comp for a place in Wa that manages 72 different retirement homes all  throughout Ca, Id, Mt, Nv, Or, Wa, Az & Ut. I'd kinda _like_ to be salary because they pay _alot_ more that way and I've _NEVER_ seen the people who I work with on salary stay a minute over 8 hours. =P (but it is an improvment over my last job; an improvment of a $5 an hour raise..!)

I still manage to spend all the money on basicly things I _need_ to do instead of things I _want_ to do most of the time though. I suspect that has something to do with being a parent though.

I found a place that's pretty good reads and especially liked this one as it might be valid to you:
General Chat / Job!
August 04, 2006, 12:03:31 AM
...obtain a box and a spork. Using spork cut off one side of the box. Find/steal/borrow a pen that's dark in color and mark the box side with: "JOB SUCKED SO I QUIT. NEED MONEY TO BUY INTERVIEW SUIT." Walk to a busy corner and push the presently frequenting bumb off, stand in his place and hold the sign. Wait for money to follow.

ROFL! ^_^
Applications / Application by BLOOP
August 03, 2006, 03:18:40 PM
I'm on the same page as Tickey as I do not feel bad for any of my actions. I still firmly do not like the manner in which this applicant has chosen to take action; and is still making small cracks to try and rile me while apologizing. Throughout this whole ordeal I've attempted a neutral standpoint because this is the first time meeting this person and as Xeph put it, it's his first time meeting the community.

Reading back now on my posts I am not seeing how I can be misunderstood. In any post I've put on here; I don't remember any of them attempting to insult someone. (I've tried my best to be friendly and hoped my happy wolf avatar would add that thought because I _rarely_ feel any doom-&-gloom.) I've been shocked certainly yes, or I've asked blunt questions (why beat around the bush for 10 posts?), but hoped people knew me enough to know I'm Aislynn; that fun-loving, morbidly funny person who draws animals and happens to be too curious for my own good. =o] I actually prefer "Aissy."

The objective of this application is to get feedback; and I've shared the point that I don't think Bloop would make a good choice for hosting. This isn't saying that Bloop is a bad person; but Bloop has hosting somewhere else to do with what he will and doesn't need hosting here. We all have bad days, being short and to the point; I don't like _how_ Bloop is acting, this isn't saying I don't like _Bloop_ as a person. (because I don't know who he is.) Bloop is welcome to feel however he wants about me.

I will still share my play-dough. =P
Applications / Application by BLOOP
August 02, 2006, 07:11:53 PM
I can understand you wishing to defend yourself and your creation; and granted some of the correspondence on our end can come across as offensive. I however do not consider it appropriate for you to sit back and dismiss valid points brought up as beneath your notice and insulting us to boot. If you want something from us this is not the way to act and trying to come across as mature you should of already realized this. This thread is turning more and more dark with each post; so I wish not to add any further past this. I would also advise Griever to do likewise until Xepher has had a chance to look at things.
Applications / Application by BLOOP
August 02, 2006, 06:55:01 PM
Okay, I'm not too happy with any attacks being made on anybody and would like to keep things clean; but I do know at this point this person would not make a welcome addition to the community in my perspective.

Xeph, please chime in.
Applications / Application by BLOOP
August 02, 2006, 04:21:11 PM
..yeah. Alittle too much salesman tambien. I had anticipated as I stated above your next reaction; but I shot too short in my predictions where you're trying to pitch another deal. Xepher (please correct me if I'm wrong Xeph) is trying to deviate away from commercialism.

I still dont feel like this would be a positive contribution to the community; you're still treating it like just another product of the consumer machine. Again, I stress that your choice to make money off what you like doing is not a bad thing; but it's not a thing I want to sneak into here.
Applications / Sylph
August 02, 2006, 03:49:23 PM
Html using dreamweaver... with the newer versions I find myself overriding the DW html more and more... along with images made in Photoshop.

Alot of the time I love looking at websites, if I see something I love I'll try and re-create it myself or spend time just drawing things out I want on a piece of paper and then trying to piece it together on the computer.
Applications / Application by BLOOP
August 01, 2006, 09:09:25 PM
Pop-ups are the devil. I will tell you this flat out right now. ...this is just personal pet peeve though.

If you're keeping the other one you have no need for a webpage here. If you're concerned that your readers need a webpage without ads then you need to think about removing them or deciding you aren't as concerned over what your readers want as you lead on to be. (You've stated them seeing your work for free is as imporant as the additional income.) It seems like you appear to be concerned; but really aren't.

On the flip side it is your choice to keep the ads on that webspace; ultimately that is your choice and I dont think anyone could wag their finger at your for trying to make alittle extra dough... however I'm not inclined myself to give this site a thumbs-up knowing you are intending to keep the other site. (which isn't anything bad on you, but I'd like to see the space go to someone who isn't making the money and would use this as a primary site for what it's intended for.) Do keep in mind I'm not the deciding factor and you still could have a chance at hosting here; but Xepher does like to take other member's decisions in account when allowing or rejecting applicants.

You may also point out as you've done so that you have quite a fan base and later bring up the potential for income to Xepher's hosting... but I then think: "Well he has a site where people can already pay a fee and have access to everything; why would they donate here..?" Donating to keep a site free for access to comics where it's for free anyway cancels each other out.

I'm just not seeing a very rational reason why Xeph should allow you resources that you already possess somewhere else...
Applications / Sylph
August 01, 2006, 07:11:37 PM
I know it all seem's overwhelming at first, but I'll let you in on a little secret...

Back when I was learning, I had a little Neopet... and I learned HTML using their awsome guide. Other free ones are out there to teach you, and some almost teach you with hardly no effort; soon you'll be dreaming in HTML.

As for CSS, I still have trouble understanding that stuff; when I need to use it I tend to lookup guides from google to aid me.
Applications / Sylph
August 01, 2006, 03:05:39 PM
Just right, but I suggest and urge you to learn how to properly code a website, there will be no flashy tools to use here... =/
Applications / Application by BLOOP
August 01, 2006, 03:00:08 PM
So you would keep both sites?

I denied your friend request on MySpace because I dont know you well enough, sorry.
Applications / Application by BLOOP
July 31, 2006, 03:03:49 PM
Ad's aren't too welcome here... this is a haven to get away from that stuff.