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Messages - Xepher

"Artica" is the (temporary?) name I've picked for the art-site project I mentioned over here. I'd suggest anyone that hasn't should at least skim that thread for the parts where I describe my idea(s) before continuing here. For the lazy though, here's a VERY brief recap.

I want to make a community art site, similar to things like Deviant Art, Yerf, Elfwood, Artvark, etc. I want it to be a community site, run by the members, rather than a profit-oriented corporation. To this end, I've several ideas for how things would work that would set this site apart from the others. Membership (for artists) would be by invitation only. There would be a system of "karmic currency" in place (Whuffie?) that basically indicates how respected someone is in the community. People with more respect would have great administrative ability... that is, they'd have more power to do things such as moderate posts, invite more people, punish and ban troublemakers, petition for new ideas, etc. The system is actually quite complicated, but on the front (user) side of things is very simple. People would see "scores" and have the ability to give people a thumbs up/down.

In addition to the karmic system, there are a few technical features that I've yet to see in other art archives that would be new as well. For example, an option to have multiple revisions of a work. I often see a rough sketch, an ink drawing, and a full color version of the same image, yet they're always posted as new "works" and end up seperate in the archives. Similar things would be done for "set" images... things like a series of ABC pictures and such. Also, themeable home pages so each artist can customize their own areas, yet still keep a consistent feel throughout.

Anyway, the ideas and the full feature set are still in a quite malleable state. Lots of things are subject to change. I do know that this is something I want to do, and I think needs to be done. I, of course, already have the server resources to host and run such a thing, but it is a massive undertaking to actually code and design such a place. I'm going for something quite the opposite from There I started with nothing and slowly built it up to what it is today. I've also (intentionally) kept a less-than-professional air about the place. I never wanted this to be a "major" project. Artica will be different though. I don't want to slap something together and try and get people interested a few at a time. My intention is to, quite frankly, surprise everyone from out of left field. I want to have a fully functional, professional looking, easy-to-use site up and running before accepting the first artist. I want someplace where people will be clammoring to get into, and where they'll work hard to keep it a great place. I want a community everyone can be proud to be part of.

Now, to that end, I realize I can't do it alone. Yes, I could probably code the site and get things going, but as soon as it starts getting "interesting" I don't think I'd be able to keep up by myself. I need help. Primarily I need a few other people that can code well in PHP. (Honestly, I'm not that great at actual coding. I turn everything into an if/then/else statement and I've never even used an "object.") Also, some artists would be needed, both for their connections in various other art communities for promotion, and for design and graphics for the site and engine. It's gonna be an art site, and a nearly graphic-less page like on would be rather stupid. Additionally, we'll probably need a good deal of beta testers to go through and try and break things. These can (and probably should) be ordinary joe and jane user. No special skills required. Just a willingness to click on everything until it breaks. :-)

While I would defintely like people to have skill in their areas, I think it's more important to find people who are motivated and actually interested in such a project. This is gonna be a long-term thing. I'm not in a rush, but I would like to see steady work being done. Until I/we get more into it, it's hard to estimate a timeframe, but 6 months to a year of work is quite possible. This wouldn't be nearly full time on anyone's part, and I don't intend to have weekly deadlines or anything, but I'm just mentioning this possibility up front because I don't want people that get bored in a few weeks and wander off. Ideally I'd like to see a functional site up for testing well this side of 6 months, but the time frame is heavily under flux until we finalize features and see how many people we can get on the team.

I think that about sums up my piece for now. If you're seriously interested in working on this, don't be scared off by my admonitions about long/hard work. Most of you know me, and I'm not a slave driver or anything. Things come up and people can't always stick to commitments. I know this, and it's expected. I just want to make sure of peoples intentions more than anything.

So, who's interested? I'm not looking for commitments yet, just an idea of who might consider it.
General Chat / Giant Squiddies!
September 29, 2005, 09:39:14 PM
Yeah, BBC had that yesterday. Impressive, isn't it? And to think that's a "small" one. If you want to see something even worse though, google for "colossal squid" (Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni) which reportedly grows even larger than the giant squid. Even scarier though is that instead of just having sucker pads (albeit with small "teeth" in them) on it's arms like Architeuthis (the giant squid) does, it has chitin hooks! has some excellant pictures. A good one of such a hook is a few paragraphs from the top.

Good thing they only like sub-arctic conditions, or I might never swim in the sea again!
Knowhow Trading Post / Ubuntu Linux - Grub Boot Error # 15
September 29, 2005, 09:32:00 PM
Completely dead? Because I've run into Grub #15 before. It means "file not found" basically saying it couldn't find the kernel image it's supposed to be loading. 95% of the time this means grub wasn't configured properly and is looking on the wrong partition/drive for it. Are you sure you got grub.conf (aka "menu.lst") setup properly? has all the error codes.
Applications / Application for Element Tk
September 29, 2005, 09:27:33 PM
For the record, I am perfectly capable of writing such a thing. I seriously considered it during the overhaul to phase 2, but decided to forego it.  I don't WANT applying here to be as easy as signing up for hotmail or something. I know it sounds a bit smug, but the system is meant to be obtuse and freeform. The reason being that having a less than easy/foolproof system insures that the lazy and the fools are caught early on. Also, having a more or less free form system lets me actually see more of someone's character than you'd get with standardized forms.

Anyway data, forgive me if I sounded rude there... I do appriciate the offer of help, but it's not needed in this area. On the other hand, if you're just itching for a coding project/idea to work on, I'm seriously thinking about recruiting some collaborators for the art-site idea I've mentioned before... but that's a topic for another thread... Look for a post mentioning "Artica" soon.
General Chat / The "Yet Another Funny Video" Thread
September 28, 2005, 06:07:19 PM
Yes, which is why I say "Thank God for machintosh!" Since there's no directx there, it makes game developers actually write in OpenGL. I'm quite glad that WoW supports openGL and thus it runs pretty good under emulation in linux. And then there are games like UT2004 and Doom3 that have native linux clients. Heck, they had native linux amd-64 binaries out only a couple weeks after the first athlon 64s came out. You could actually game in native 64 bit almost two years ago. Windows has only recently been released for 64 bit architecture, and as far as I know, the only game for it is the 64 bit version of farcry. And if you like playing older games (Quest for Glory, Monkey Island, etc.) linux does BETTER than windows. Dos emulation is flawless for most of those games, whereas getting them to work in a modern windows or mac is downright improbable.

Anyway, the OS debate here reminds me of an excellant article by Neal Stephenson.

In the Beginning was the Command Line

I'll quote the best bit of it here.
QuoteImagine a crossroads where four competing auto dealerships are situated. One of them (Microsoft) is much, much bigger than the others. It started out years ago selling three-speed bicycles (MS-DOS); these were not perfect, but they worked, and when they broke you could easily fix them.

There was a competing bicycle dealership next door (Apple) that one day began selling motorized vehicles--expensive but attractively styled cars with their innards hermetically sealed, so that how they worked was something of a mystery.

The big dealership responded by rushing a moped upgrade kit (the original Windows) onto the market. This was a Rube Goldberg contraption that, when bolted onto a three-speed bicycle, enabled it to keep up, just barely, with Apple-cars. The users had to wear goggles and were always picking bugs out of their teeth while Apple owners sped along in hermetically sealed comfort, sneering out the windows. But the Micro-mopeds were cheap, and easy to fix compared with the Apple-cars, and their market share waxed.

Eventually the big dealership came out with a full-fledged car: a colossal station wagon (Windows 95). It had all the aesthetic appeal of a Soviet worker housing block, it leaked oil and blew gaskets, and it was an enormous success. A little later, they also came out with a hulking off-road vehicle intended for industrial users (Windows NT) which was no more beautiful than the station wagon, and only a little more reliable.

Since then there has been a lot of noise and shouting, but little has changed. The smaller dealership continues to sell sleek Euro-styled sedans and to spend a lot of money on advertising campaigns. They have had GOING OUT OF BUSINESS! signs taped up in their windows for so long that they have gotten all yellow and curly. The big one keeps making bigger and bigger station wagons and ORVs.

On the other side of the road are two competitors that have come along more recently.

One of them (Be, Inc.) is selling fully operational Batmobiles (the BeOS). They are more beautiful and stylish even than the Euro-sedans, better designed, more technologically advanced, and at least as reliable as anything else on the market--and yet cheaper than the others.

With one exception, that is: Linux, which is right next door, and which is not a business at all. It's a bunch of RVs, yurts, tepees, and geodesic domes set up in a field and organized by consensus. The people who live there are making tanks. These are not old-fashioned, cast-iron Soviet tanks; these are more like the M1 tanks of the U.S. Army, made of space-age materials and jammed with sophisticated technology from one end to the other. But they are better than Army tanks. They've been modified in such a way that they never, ever break down, are light and maneuverable enough to use on ordinary streets, and use no more fuel than a subcompact car. These tanks are being cranked out, on the spot, at a terrific pace, and a vast number of them are lined up along the edge of the road with keys in the ignition. Anyone who wants can simply climb into one and drive it away for free.

Customers come to this crossroads in throngs, day and night. Ninety percent of them go straight to the biggest dealership and buy station wagons or off-road vehicles. They do not even look at the other dealerships.

Of the remaining ten percent, most go and buy a sleek Euro-sedan, pausing only to turn up their noses at the philistines going to buy the station wagons and ORVs. If they even notice the people on the opposite side of the road, selling the cheaper, technically superior vehicles, these customers deride them cranks and half-wits.

The Batmobile outlet sells a few vehicles to the occasional car nut who wants a second vehicle to go with his station wagon, but seems to accept, at least for now, that it's a fringe player.

The group giving away the free tanks only stays alive because it is staffed by volunteers, who are lined up at the edge of the street with bullhorns, trying to draw customers' attention to this incredible situation. A typical conversation goes something like this:

Hacker with bullhorn: "Save your money! Accept one of our free tanks! It is invulnerable, and can drive across rocks and swamps at ninety miles an hour while getting a hundred miles to the gallon!"

Prospective station wagon buyer: "I know what you say is don't know how to maintain a tank!"

Bullhorn: "You don't know how to maintain a station wagon either!"

Buyer: "But this dealership has mechanics on staff. If something goes wrong with my station wagon, I can take a day off work, bring it here, and pay them to work on it while I sit in the waiting room for hours, listening to elevator music."

Bullhorn: "But if you accept one of our free tanks we will send volunteers to your house to fix it for free while you sleep!"

Buyer: "Stay away from my house, you freak!"

Bullhorn: "But..."

Buyer: "Can't you see that everyone is buying station wagons?"
General Chat / The "Yet Another Funny Video" Thread
September 28, 2005, 04:48:12 PM
Nah, no hatred of macs here... well, not since OSX anyway. I mean it's really just unix undeath a lot of shiny. I like unix and shiny, so that's all good. Back in OS9 and earlier though... *shudder* Ooh... the evil! Cooperative multitasking? I mean, WTF? If you click on a menu and hold a mouse button down, the clock stops ticking! Seriously, try it. Look at the blinking clock on the thing, then open a menu and hold the button down. OS9 and prior were just horridly written pieces of software that didn't deserve to be called "operating" systems. I'd call them glorified calculators, but that would disparage a lot of excellant devices designed by engineers at Texas Instruments.

For the record, most of the same complaints apply to MS Windows before Win2000, the first (and likely the last) time MS wrote an OS that didn't completely suck.
General Chat / The "Yet Another Funny Video" Thread
September 27, 2005, 11:27:35 PM
I fixed the permissions on the videos. All the original links should now work. Oh, and Will... the trampoline was the "surprise" bit in the formula!
General Chat / Holy crap, is this true?
September 27, 2005, 05:56:38 AM
Well, the topic title makes this the appropriate place...

The "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot" quote of the year: "The other day we had a bird strike. We sent the sample to the DNA lab and it came back as rabbit. How do you explain to the FAA that we had a rabbit strike at 1,800 feet?"

The article:,1282,68937,00.html
General Chat / The "Yet Another Funny Video" Thread
September 27, 2005, 05:39:37 AM
Just for the sake of novelty, let's avoid flash, and stick with actual videos this time.

Bear + Tree + (surprise) x Tranquilizer Gun = Comedy.

Bear + Salmon + (surprise) x Fisherman = Comedy.

Macintosh + Power User = Comedy.

And of course, Germans just = Funny!

Yes, it's german, but the song is Moskau and they're pretending to be russian. I actually have copies of two full albums from these guys. I just couldn't resist after seeing the video. The music is quite catchy.

Now we see how much my traffic stats spike after all these video downloads! :-)
Announcements / Bah! (Overnight Glitch)
September 27, 2005, 12:16:11 AM
Email fixed. Don't worry, I know of lot of you suddenly had empty inboxes, but no mail was lost. Just a bunch of symlinks got rewritten because some stupid program decided it knew better than I did how to "secure" things. Anyway, I hacked the code for it so it would give up trying that in the future.


Who said that? :-P
Announcements / Bah! (Overnight Glitch)
September 26, 2005, 06:51:10 PM
New thing I just noticed... email=broken. Working on it.
Announcements / Bah! (Overnight Glitch)
September 26, 2005, 06:50:54 PM
No, not exactly. They're really seperate partitions, but instead of saying each one is a "drive" (like C: D: E: etc.) you end up mounting each physical device or partition as a directory in the main filesystem. So that while root (/) is on one drive... under that is /home/ which is on a different disk/partition.
Announcements / Bah! (Overnight Glitch)
September 26, 2005, 04:53:33 PM
Fixed... missed a bit of config somewhere.
Announcements / Hacked! (Or "Why I Hate People")
September 26, 2005, 04:30:17 PM
Yeah, see the other thread about the overnight glitch. Bottom line, I'm working on it.
Announcements / Bah! (Overnight Glitch)
September 26, 2005, 04:29:47 PM
Working on it...