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Messages - Ashley_Rose

General Chat / Why psychologists are evil!
January 12, 2006, 05:05:05 AM
Oh my word, it was bad. You think some people drink to forget a bad day, you haven't seen her after mucus childus has come close to her person.

I personally love crab, scallions, and freshwater fish and salmon, but hate ocean fish, lobster, and shrimp with the burning fire of a thousand suns.
General Chat / What do you think about my website?
January 12, 2006, 05:01:51 AM

...that would be the second time in one month.

*commits seppuku*
General Chat / What do you think about my website?
January 11, 2006, 06:46:17 PM
I thinks yous is a ca-hrazy fellow. And I think your idea is dumb too.

General Chat / Why psychologists are evil!
January 11, 2006, 07:10:15 AM
Applications / Kimmai's Art Gallery application
January 10, 2006, 02:44:50 PM
There is also another flower you can eat. We get it at this restaurant in my hometown. Nummy.
Art / Fanart ho!
January 08, 2006, 05:00:19 PM
There are links there to the art. When you sign up, there is a table you get, and instead of just linking the table, and making a huge picture post, they thumbnail or just link it. Makes it easier.
Art / Fanart ho!
January 08, 2006, 06:32:35 AM
Yeah, I'm totally going to join up with FanArt 100 too. I might do FanArt 50. I think it'll be good for my PS skills. As I have, like none. I suck.

But yeah. :) I think they are rocking communities.
Nice art. Reminds me of Jason Engle, for one reason or the next.
Applications / Kimmai's Art Gallery application
January 04, 2006, 02:44:20 PM
I like how you are working towards better. Your coloring is quite nice, and you readily admit to coloring in someone else's work, for collaborative or other reasons.

My question is: What's the greatest knowledge in all the world?
Art / Christmas Cards
January 04, 2006, 02:38:39 PM
Quote from: SenshuuOhhh...
I was just awesomed in the face.
I love you. Leik whoa.
Misc. Content / Nanananana Katamari on the Swing...
January 04, 2006, 02:37:34 PM
You know, I read Mac Hall, and they had a long moment of Katamari lovin'. I am still just confused. But that's a-o-kay.
General Chat / Happy Holidays!
January 04, 2006, 02:36:13 PM
Aw, I'm sad I missed. Though John Elway is not on my happy list now. I hope you all had fantastic holidays!
General Chat / The Strangest Thing.
December 22, 2005, 09:54:51 PM
A scanner, without a return name on it, precisely to my address with my name spelled correctly, showed up via UPS today.

And it's not cheap.

I'm going to love Santa WhomeverSentThisToMe until the day they die, and even beyond that.

I never really thought that people were that nice. It's none of my relatives. And it's not anyone I know of, I don't think.

*stares at scanner*

Merry Christmas, and thank you, whomever you are.

And to everyone on this forum. :)

Edit: I found out who it was. And it's not anthraxy.
General Chat / What types of games do you like?
December 17, 2005, 05:14:55 AM
It's even better if you use a ca-hrazy accent while playing. I personally adore mixing and matching Munchkins. Between my sisters and I we have/had Munchkin Fu, Star Munchkin, and Vampire Munchkin.
General Chat / What types of games do you like?
December 16, 2005, 02:55:37 PM
And oi shit, I should just properly respond to this post.

CCG: (Collectible Card Games) L5R and Anachronism. One is going down the tubes and the other is greatness in historical fun. You can play anyone from history from Chinngis Khan to Freydis Erriksdottar. I mean, super cool.

Boardgames: Monopoly. I hate/love it. Sorry, Chutes and Ladders, Scrabble, Life, Risk, Chess, Checkers, etc.

Card Games: Cribbage, Poker, Merry Widow, Hearts, Rat Smack, Crunch, Rummy, Uno, Uno Attack, War, Old Maid, Memory, Go Fish, Milles Bourne, Skunk, Apples to Apples, Munchkin, Snap, Tchi Tchi, Spoons, and Think. I'm a h0r and I know it... I'm also vicious as hell when it comes to Rat Smack, Crunch, Snap, and Spoons.

Weird Prop Games: Se- I mean, Battle Ship, Bop-it, Uno Says, Connect Four, Trouble, Darts, Lawn Darts, Croquet, Settlers of Cataan.

Sports: Extreme anything. Except golf, ping pong, and pickle ball.

Video: I'm one of those monkeys who likes fighter games. And button mashing. It's great. I also have a penchant for Final Fantasies and Karaoke and Dance Dance Revolutions. Oh, and Godzilla. I fucking roxxorz. My video gaming experience is often dampened by my claustrophobia/motion sickness, though, so first person shooters, racing, and various others are often tossed out of the picture, though if I'm in a cold basement with a fan on me I can play Halo and MechWarrior.

MMORPGs: City of Heroes and City of Villains are my vices du jour.

RPGs: Conan, D&D, Star Wars, Alternity, Rifts, Engel, White Wolf LARPs, BESM, Silver Age Sentinels... and a couple others I can't think of at the moment.