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Messages - Miluette

Technical Support / Re: Why not another news box question!
September 14, 2008, 02:07:02 PM
fesworks: oh... oh! I forgot about that.

LOL. Story time: A long time ago, before I fully understood the WC3 validator, I got a ton of errors on my websites and went about fixing them the wrong way. Of course, it told me things like the "img" tag couldn't have "alt" and other such weird things just because I screwed up something that badly. It told me a lot of things like that for tables, and hence I stopped putting "center" on things to avoid hassle. I know more now, a lot more, but it's still habitual of me to forget that I can, in fact, assign center to td and soforth.

While I'd rather not tag up my tables (which is why I'm learning div/float/argghh), I don't really have a choice and it's pretty simple anyway.

I'm gonna mess around...later! Right now is break time <3

EDIT: Ah I went ahead and tried. And no, that didn't work. I had a feeling it wouldn't, because I've tried that with certain things before and had it not work. Oh trauma. XD Now for the other method.

EDIT TWO: Okay, so I put in griever's code and now it...stays at the right! Which is also not centered.
Like my wacky unordered list dropdown menu code that I nabbed from someone else! It's totally screwed in DW. But it works fine.
(That code is nuts, and I'd like to find whoever wrote it and asked how they came up with it. e_e!)
Technical Support / Re: Why not another news box question!
September 13, 2008, 05:20:52 PM
Quote from: fesworks on September 13, 2008, 04:22:49 PM
You can always put it in a table or a table's cell where the contents is centered. I know that works.

It's already like that.

Yes, I'll try that other method soon... as soon as I figure out where I can relocate the box to.
You can do that in Dreamweaver. I used it for stuff I needed to change in my few hundred archive pages.

If there's something else it sure would be handier.
Web Design / Floating oh my gosh
September 13, 2008, 03:26:32 PM
So, floating. I've been reading tutorials. They are somewhat confusing. I just wanted those two divs (the sides each with the gryphon and the dragon) to be centered on the page, and also to see how float would affect that. I have no idea why the right one stretches out like that, and then the text that isn't within one of those two divs acts funny.

This is also connected with my random inability to center certain things even when I try, like forms. The last frontier! I'm so close to knowing everything I should know by now!

I've been able to understand the way people explain things on this forum pretty well, so I'd like to ask someone here about it, lol.
Technical Support / Re: Why not another news box question!
September 13, 2008, 10:18:33 AM
Everything on my main hub page is centered except the Xepher newsbox. See here: I guess I'll try the above!

I have trouble centering things however, and stuff like forms and dropdown lists (and divs with percentage widths rather than a hard number) will randomly not be centered when everything else is. If I can overcome this problem finally then I'll be just... so happy!

Also, since I don't want to start a new thread for this: Xepher, can you make a petite newsbox? One button-sized, or maybe long (horizontally) and thin? <3 I just love smaller button versions of things... When using banners, I usually go for the smaller ones.
Almost every one of my sites show up incredibly screwed up in Dreamweaver, even though they're fine. So, I only use it to preview my stuff once I've got my design finished but not uploaded... I suppose it's a lot better for people just getting started with html, since you likely won't run the risk of doing something way complex or weird, but DW has done some pretty messed-up stuff to me and my friends when our sites actually functioned well after uploading.
Knowhow Trading Post / Re: Not-working Javascript
September 13, 2008, 10:05:27 AM
I probably should have posted this thread in the web design forum. :B Although so far I haven't used Javascript for any design purposes really...

So, the nifty expand/collapse code I use on two pages of LF's site. It works differently on one of them and I'm not sure why. This page works the way I want it to, with all the info collapsed when the page loads. Nevermind the way I've set things up is slightly tacky and I should probably just break the info up into several pages, but that comes later. I only have one use of it here so far, but that's because it's been acting strange. Before it loaded uncollapsed and clicking "spoiler" wouldn't do anything. Now it loads uncollapsed, which is bad for spoilers.

I don't know why it should be doing that, since I basically copied the code from one page to another and changed the id.
Art / Re: Logo Contest (Win $10 iTunes Credit)
September 13, 2008, 09:55:03 AM
Yay! A reason to design! <3 I'm on it!
Even if I just found out and it ends in two days!
Knowhow Trading Post / Re: Webcomic Software Solutions
September 13, 2008, 09:37:16 AM
A lot of the stuff sagebrush brought up is what I'd be looking into, too.

I'm kind of wary of implementing a script, however. I don't want to end up re-renaming things... Of course, if both of my comics are eventually going to be thousands of pages, then doing everything manually won't be so desirable after a while.

If it's something new and made by you, however, Databits... <3
Knowhow Trading Post / Re: Writing a Resume
September 13, 2008, 09:32:40 AM
Yeah, for resumes, the shorter, the better, I found out. The one I created in Business class was kind of wordy, but when it was cut down for Portfolio class it came out looking a lot nicer. (The funny thing is, my Business teacher was like "more more more" and my Portfolio teacher was like "less less less")

I referenced former graduates' resumes as templates, and they were pretty basic achievements/work experience/so on since they had to be one page. I've grown fond of that style. Make sure you write in every award you've gotten ever. (Relevant, of course.)

I always say references on request but I'm actually not sure what I'd do if they were requested. Not that I have many... Contact info?
Hee. I have Crowfeathers on my to-read list.
Announcements / Re: Automated Email Rules
August 19, 2008, 08:58:43 PM
Woo! Both things work now. <33
Announcements / Re: I Can Haz Job!
August 19, 2008, 08:49:05 PM
Dilbert or XKCD... LOL.

That's fantastic, Xepher. XD
Announcements / Re: Automated Email Rules
August 17, 2008, 08:25:11 PM
Okay, I did a bit more testing.

I signed up two accounts on my forum using both my main emails. No activation emails for either of them. No approval notice for anyone who's signed up recently, either.

No one's been able to retrieve their passwords via email from my forum nor my oekaki (the oekaki I left to manual approval by me). Whenever I approve an account for the oekaki, it also says "an email could not be sent" (I assume to notify them). I thought there was an SMTP setting for the oekaki, but I can't find it, so maybe not.