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Messages - fesworks

**** SPOILER ALERT!!! ****

*** Well, MINOR spoilers... but nothing too bad, really... Mostly behind the scenes stuff.****

Many readers know that PSI is one of those comics that started as a 4th wall breaking, self-insertion experiment that ran away as a full-storied comic, complete with characters and a world. While the main cast (Fes, Ernst, Nemi, Ford, and "Fesworks") are Webcomic Aware and know of the 4th wall and such, the world of PSI, and the other characters, have been slowly developing in the background.

As the main characters still need a home, a world/universe with rules, history and a system are needed. Despite being Webcomic Aware and gone through the Crossover Wars, they still have a home to go to.

There has always been a general idea of PSI... but I never wanted to go into it originally. I didn't want to explain things, I just wanted things to be the way they are and accepted that way. Unfortunately, people like to know these things!

So I've been slowly refining the background of "Universe P.S.I." to give the comic and it's story more structure. Much of this will come out IN-comic... soon hopefully... it will kinda be an "info dump", but should work well in context.

However, there are a few hurdles because of poor planning... or no planning.... Again, as some people know, PSI was strictly an experimental project.... A project I should have restarted when I had the chance. But since I didn't I'm going to have several "inconsistencies"... Taken from the view of any of the main characters, these can easily be ignored if only THEY were involved.... but anything involving other characters or world rules themselves... Must be dealt with in a manner that is logical enough to work.

One of such problems is the use of cameos and crossovered characters.

(to be continued in another post)
Ardra / Re: [3/17/2009] The Big Finale
March 19, 2009, 04:17:51 PM
I've been enjoying the expressions of the extras in the back, in this and the previous strip :P
************** NOTE **************
This participation has ended, but these are the results!

From the actual post on my site.

Pick a character (of mine) and I will tell you the following*...

01. Full name
02. Best friend
03. Sexuality
04. Favorite color
05. Relationship status
06. Ideal mate
07. Odd Skills/Skills in general
08. Last Amusing Escapade
09. Favorite food
10. Crushes
11. Favorite music
12. Biggest fear
13. Biggest fantasy
14. Quirks
15. Bad habits
16. Biggest regret
17. Best kept secrets
18. Last thought
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience
20. Biggest insecurity

... *to the best of currently available knowledge... some things might be minor character spoilers... if I choose to reveal them. I may also only give "appears to be" explanations instead of the actual, real answers... which may or may not be different, similar, or the exact same thing. :P

Somethings I want obscure (for now), and some things I would reveal in-comic at some other time.

Pick any character you want: Cast page.

One character request per person.
Technical Support / Re: Forums on site
March 19, 2009, 03:45:49 AM
Yea, I got sub-forums for PSI, Ardra, and Jenny Everywhere (all hosted on Xepher), so I'm hoping it will all work out nicely.

Ardra / Welcome to the new Ardra forum!
March 16, 2009, 09:46:56 PM
For reference, the old forums are still located here:

Because I know some furries are on the forums, and this may be of interest, I'm posting a link here for the most recent show on Furries and Furry Webcomics.

Also, Xepher's own Rachel of Last Resort did the cover, and was on the show.

I've actually waited 64 episodes to finally do a podcast on Furries.
General Chat / Re: When, if ever...
February 20, 2009, 08:15:00 PM
Quote from: sagebrush on February 20, 2009, 05:51:38 PM
If college were free, I'd have a degree in everything.  :/

If it were free, I'd take my time :P
General Chat / Re: When, if ever...
February 19, 2009, 02:39:31 AM
I think I know what I want... but with the economy... I don;t think I can anymore... I'd need more schooling.. and even then, the already, highly competitive job market for working in wildlife parks, are going to be much fewer in available job numbers....


Other than that, I'm still trying to figure out my "calling" as far as a career goes.
Magickal Xepher is Magickal :P
send an e-mail to about it. I'll mention it to him when I see him online next as well. I'm considering the change-over to Webcomic and Inkblot as well... ComicPress's new update is starting to get on my nerves with how much you have to mess with the theme to update something now.
Hosting Q&A / Re: Statistics
February 15, 2009, 05:19:11 PM
Well, it's probably good to look at Uniques and Pages together. The closer they are together, I'd say the more "regulars" you have, or actual visits (visiting 1-2 pages and leaving indicates someone coming to see an update, specific page,.... or at the very least a click by a stranger, not liking what they see, and leaving :P )

The more pages viewed you have, in relation to uniques, should indicate a visitor looking through your archives, or at least clicking around your site. Regulars will already have clicked on everything, unless you updated a page somewhere.

At least that's my interpretation. Like When I check my GoStats after a Big Project Wonderful ad Campaign, my uniques go up, but my hits go WAY up.
Hosting Q&A / Re: Statistics
February 14, 2009, 03:17:20 PM
Looks like it only counts unique visitors for each month, instead of daily. I hope that it actually counts only uniques throughout the month, and doesn't just keep adding up daily uniques. I've been skeptical about some of the data so far. The stats have been counting for 5 days so far, and I already have 500 uniques? That sounds a tad high... granted I have more than one "site" on my account, but it still seems high.

Oh well. In any case, this is still a really cool and fairly comprehensive 2nd look (or should this now be my FIRST look) at site stats :)
Hosting Q&A / Re: Statistics
February 13, 2009, 06:10:35 AM
I need some clarification on "Visits",    "Pages", and "Hits"... as in... what's the difference? I'm going to guess "Sessions", "Uniques", and "Hits"? ... or?