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Xepher does not play well with Webcomic+Inkblot Wordpress Plugins

Started by fesworks, December 22, 2008, 03:09:58 PM

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I just had tried to get both PSI and Ardra upgraded to Wordpress Plugins for Webcomic & Inkblot. I was working with the creator on the sites, and no matter what, we could not figure out what the issue was. The error continued to return that there was an error in the script, however, it's the same code that is used on several other sites.

We surmise that the Wordpress theme and plugin combo, merely does not work on Xepher... though we cannot find any sort of explanation. We thought it was the .htaccess at one point, but it does not see to make a difference.

Soooo, mostly I'm making this post to say that if you are considering these for your wordpress-based webcomic, stick with ComicPress, I 'spose.


What errors were you actually getting? Because I'm just running Apache, like nearly 2/3 of all servers on the net do. There shouldn't be any reason why it doesn't work, unless it needs some particular perl module that's not installed. Gimme the error that's actually happening and I can probably figure out what the problem is.


See, the errors are always something with something not parsed right in the hard code of the plugin (or theme?) itself. He's not getting any server errors.

But I'll ask him again, and see if I can recall the specific info.


Hi Xepher, I'm the author of WebComic & InkBlot. The specific error (for WebComic) is:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_ENDFOREACH in /home/fesworks/public_html/PSI/wp-content/plugins/webcomic/wc-admin.php on line 631

I've looked over the WebComic code a number of times and can't for the life of me figure out why that error would be showing up. The exact same version of WebComic is running on a number of other websites without any issues... if it really were a syntax error I'd think more WordPress installations would be throwing up similar errors. If you can help out that'd be great. XD


This means that it's attempting to parse an "endforeach" without a preceding "foreach" loop. There's nothing on Xepher's server that would cause that, it's a PHP syntax parsing error.

If you'd like I can probably take a look at the issue. Is this a new installation of the latest code base for this software?

Actually, if you could take the entire contents of that particular file and place it in this thread within a code block that'd be helpful (remove any sensitive stuff like usernames/passwords first of course).  :P
(\_/)    ~Relakuyae D'Selemae
(")_(")  [Libre Office] [Chrome]


I know what the error's referring to, but there is a preceding foreach loop... if there wasn't every time anyone tried to install the plugin that same error would come up. I'm hesitant to post the contents of that entire file here (due to size) but you can download the plugin here.


That was a pain in the ass but I found your problem. You're using a short tag for the end of an if statement on line 623 of that file.

Replace:<?php if($comic_thumb): ?><td><a href="<?php echo $post['file'?>"><img src="<?php echo $post['thumb'?>" alt="<?php echo $post['name'?>" /></a></td><? endif; ?>

<?php if($comic_thumb): ?><td><a href="<?php echo $post['file'?>"><img src="<?php echo $post['thumb'?>" alt="<?php echo $post['name'?>" /></a></td><?php endif; ?>

And you'll find your problem goes away.  ;)

The reason may be that short tags are disabled on, which isn't all that uncommon. Since it's missing the end tag on that if statement (can't parse that), it's expecting the endif before the endforeach.
(\_/)    ~Relakuyae D'Selemae
(")_(")  [Libre Office] [Chrome]


Thanks a lot for finding that; that definitely shouldn't be a short tag. XD I'm doing a major rewrite of that code anyway for the next release... I guess I had better triple check to make sure I didn't use any short tags by accident anywhere else.


No problem, that's generally one of the things I'm around for.

A resident programmer. :P
(\_/)    ~Relakuyae D'Selemae
(")_(")  [Libre Office] [Chrome]


Quote from: LunarZero on December 23, 2008, 09:02:16 PM
Thanks a lot for finding that; that definitely shouldn't be a short tag. XD I'm doing a major rewrite of that code anyway for the next release... I guess I had better triple check to make sure I didn't use any short tags by accident anywhere else.



WOW.  Well done for tracking that down.  I think I'll stick with comicpress for now though :D


I juuust installed Inkblot and WebComic, and Firefox is telling me this whenever I go to a not-main-page:

QuoteRedirect Loop         

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.

The browser has stopped trying to retrieve the requested item. The site is redirecting the request in a way that will never complete.

    * Have you disabled or blocked cookies required by this site?
    * NOTE: If accepting the site's cookies does not resolve the problem, it is likely a server configuration issue and not your computer.

I'm gonna assume it's because of the above mentioned.

Wait, maybe not. Guh. My first foray into CMS is killing me slowly. See here: click any navigation, I dare you
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?


send an e-mail to about it. I'll mention it to him when I see him online next as well. I'm considering the change-over to Webcomic and Inkblot as well... ComicPress's new update is starting to get on my nerves with how much you have to mess with the theme to update something now.


It's probably because you have a ton of redirects for all the sub-sections of your site. One of the directory slash ones is getting in the way. At the top of your main .htaccess for the whole site, you have

RewriteCond    %{REQUEST_URI}  !(.+)\.(.+)$
RewriteCond    %{REQUEST_URI}  !(.+)/$
RewriteRule    ^(.+)$           http://%{HTTP_HOST}/$1/  [L,R]

Which basically says "if there's no dot in the last part of the URL, then assume it's a directory and add a slash. Wordpress wants it's URLs to end in things like "56" without a dot in the "filename" part, and so they have a fight about it.

I fixed it by adding this to the above rules.

RewriteCond    %{REQUEST_URI}  !^/pages/

Note that if you have any other directories named "pages" it's gonna do the same thing for them too, but it should be good enough for now.


Oh, Xepher, you are magic. How did I live before knowing you? ;x; lol. <3

Somehow I had the feeling it had to do with my redirects, but I wouldn't have known how to fix it. %D
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?