
The anti-spam plugins have stopped being effective. Registration is back to requiring approval. After registering, you must ALSO email me with your username, so that I can manually approve your account.

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Messages - Xepher

Alright, you're in. You should have an email with login information.
Okay, finally got to this. You should have an email with login info.
Got your reminder email... I'm keeping it marked "unread" to remind me here. I'm busy packing for the trip and running some errands today, but I'm going to go through the open applications and take care of things before I leave on the trip. Probably tonight or tomorrow.
Technical Support / Re: Deleting Email
July 13, 2009, 01:55:21 PM
It didn't? How did you delete it? The only "delete" button I even have in webmail is "Move to trash" and it does move the message to the trash. Did you come back a long time later and look for it? Messages in the trash are automatically deleted after 14 days, so that could've been it.
Technical Support / Re: Blocking IE8
July 10, 2009, 06:31:44 PM
Heheh... See! I'm not so draconian after all!
Technical Support / Re: AWStats Permissions Error
July 06, 2009, 01:45:34 AM
Unfortunately, there's not a way to do that (that I know of), as the log files don't record that information. Since it's all traffic to one virtualhost, and you're using rewrite rules to substitute stuff for different subdomains, it does get ambiguous. As always though, I'm more than willing to change stuff if you can point me in a direction. If you find a way to do it, I'll be happy to change log file settings or anything.
General Chat / Re: Billy Mays is dead!!!
June 29, 2009, 06:24:21 PM
Yeah, and the guy that hung himself too... But really, we shouldn't count Michael Jackson up there with awesome people like Billy Mays. I mean, Billy had his own TV show!
Announcements / Another Vacation!
June 29, 2009, 04:43:26 PM
Update: I'm back!

This time, I'm going to Costa Rica for a couple of weeks: July 17th through August 1st. While I'm gone, Will-san will be keeping an eye on things, though that's really just for emergency stuff. He won't be approving applications or anything like that.
So far, I like what I see. I just got back in town after a weekend running around to austin and houston, so I'll take another look here in a day or so.

I know you emailed me worried about my leaving... I'm not headed out until July 17th this time, so I'll make sure to make a final call before I go. Remind me the 10th or so if somehow forget by then. I SHOULD hopefully get to this in the next couple of days though.
General Chat / Re: Billy Mays is dead!!!
June 29, 2009, 04:32:11 PM
As the song lyrics go "You know these actors always die in threes." We had Ed McMahon, Michael Jackson, and now Billy Mays. Strange sometimes.
Thanks for the link, but yeah, most of the spam signups I get are human it seems.
Technical Support / Re: Blocking IE8
June 29, 2009, 04:26:50 PM
It's setup to warn about using IE because IE 6 and older show the front page completely broken. As was noted, it's not a "block" because you just continue on anyway, and it's just warning stuff may look broken. That said though, there's an exception for IE7 (which didn't suck as much), but I haven't put one in for IE8 yet because it hadn't occurred to me, since IE8 just recently came out (more recently than I last used windows.) I fixed it now to allow IE7 and IE8, but I don't have anything running IE8 at the moment, so I won't test it until next time I reboot. Let me know if it doesn't work.
Technical Support / Re: HACK'D!
June 22, 2009, 09:27:51 PM
Yeah, I work nights, so I'm only on at like 9am for an hour or two until my weekends (sun-tue). Like data said, leave a message. And I'll see it next time I'm on.
Technical Support / Re: HACK'D!
June 21, 2009, 07:23:32 PM
Oh, sorry, forgot to answer that. FYI, always feel free to hit me up on AIM/YahooIM/Gtalk... my screen name is "Xepher42".

To answer you though, yes, changing your password means you need to change it in the configs for all applications that access your database.
Technical Support / Re: HACK'D!
June 21, 2009, 03:59:35 PM
I have changed them so that everything is 700, and the default is 700. However, a lot of CMS install instructions say "chmod 777 this file..." or some such. Nothing should EVER make stuff world writable, yet I always find files set that way.

This particular hack does look to have come from her own site though. I searched and no other php files on the system (despite many being world writable again) were infected with the same code.

Still though, if you have a suggestion for how to make things more secure, let me know.