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Messages - Kira Dwenna

Writing / Critic alert! ^^
December 15, 2005, 07:27:27 PM
I have not forgotten to write back!

Finals kiiiiiill me. @~@

I will be in to comment on the comments (and thank you for them, by the way! :)) as soon as they're over.  *nods*
Writing / NaNoWriMo 2005!
December 06, 2005, 05:52:23 AM
Quote from: dragynjudging by your signature, you already have alot to do, so why not add another!  :)
Why indeed.....
Writing / Critic alert! ^^
December 06, 2005, 05:49:26 AM
After reading it myself, I say:

Dialogue is a little stilted.

Based on this chapter alone, I have little to no originality.  

Editing is my friend.

Any more comments from the peanut gallery?  XD
Writing / Critic alert! ^^
December 06, 2005, 05:46:46 AM
I'll keep that in mind.  You are setting a horrible precedent by being so quick on the uptake, though. ;)


Chapter Two ~ Cui Bono ("Good for whom?")

   "Aw man!  Five bucks for lunch?  What kind of place is this?"
   Jim shrugs.  "It's buffet, bro.  Fine dining for some people in here."
   Erik steps to one side, two girls walking past him to go through the door he had been blocking.  A glare is directed at his friend.  "Damnit, Jim.  That isn
Art / So... Anyone wanna team up?
December 06, 2005, 05:16:54 AM
While I would love to help, Aetre, I'm not sure if my drawing style (check my profile image for a recent sketch) is appropriate.  Plus, I have not attempted the use of inks yet, so everything remains in pencil. ^^;;

I would very much enjoy having the experience, though - but if you would prefer to hold out for someone more talented and/or wise in the art'll understand. :)

But all of my extracurricular projects, just so you know, are on hold until after next week.  Finals, you see, a vast swirling vortexes of doom wherein all thoughts of creativity are drawn into.  After they are partially divested of their creativity, they are spat out the other end - most of the ingredients that make up such projects are non-digestible by standardized tests. ;)
Writing / Critic alert! ^^
December 06, 2005, 05:02:51 AM
Where would one actually put this?  Hmmm.....  o.O

*brain churning random thoughts*
......fried chalupas.....

Okay!  After a hectic moment of thought, I decided that, "Maybe I should ask first."

Yep!  Mmmmhmmmm! ;)

I have something, you see, that I would like a bit of critical advice on.  How's my writing style, what should be improved..that sort of thing.  *nods*'s a wee bit long, and I'm not sure if it's appropriate to post the first chapter of something or whatnot in the forums.  
So, a 'go ahead' or a 'naysay' (and where to put it if there's a naysay) would be appreciated!  :D

And here's the prologue for ye to chew on:


Prologue ~ Ab Hinc ("From here on")

"By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest." ~ Confucius

It is often said that the Norse God Odin, great Hunter of the wilds and keeper of the souls of fallen warriors, had but one weakness to his name...  His unquenchable thirst for knowledge, which cost him to lose one eye to Mimir, keeper of the well of wisdom.

Well shall we heed this tale of an ancient humanity.  The oath must be kept at all costs.
Writing / NaNoWriMo 2005!
December 06, 2005, 04:52:04 AM
They repeat the insanity?  O.o




Bad Kira!  Stop thinking about it!  ;)
General Chat / Now I'm all sorts of curious....
December 06, 2005, 04:41:10 AM
I hear that femnazi.  I've got those days.  

And I have the bad days where it seems like there's never enough sleep cells in my brain, too....but usually when I'm sick. :P

I've come to the horrible conclusion that I am very self-destructive.  Why else would one get three jobs and go to college this close to finals week?

But it IS nice to know that everyone else is working too. ;)
General Chat / Now I'm all sorts of curious....
December 01, 2005, 05:42:04 PM
In light of my recent "3 jobs at one time" status (due to a slow moving away from one at the same time I'm starting another one) I've become rather interested in knowing everyone else's status.  So, to satisfy my curiousity, is everyone on this forum employed?  Do you have more than one job?  And, if you do have more than one job, do you ever feel overwhelmed?  ^^;;
General Chat / Comics
December 01, 2005, 05:20:20 PM
Quote from: Xepher8-bit theater... I thought I said no popular comics. Everyone and there mother has imitated or cameod that one. :-)
Just making sure.  ;)

Here's a few more for you: - Her update schedule has been a little bit iffy for a while now, but her art style is fairly interesting. - This one is more manga style than you'd like, I'm sure.  But the colors the artist uses are drop-dead gorgeous!
Here's an example.


I'm going to have to ask, but, what really constitutes a manga'ish comic?  There are the obvious looks of course - big eyes, japanese uses of picture expressions (sweatdrops, etc.), but if anyone has looked at recent American comics lately (marvel comes to mind) it looks like the eastern style is beginning to affect them, doesn't it?
General Chat / Rant on the sucketh with me.
December 01, 2005, 04:47:46 PM
Quote from: DatabitsI wonder if taxes are collected off that additional $400-$500 that people make in the profit from teh online eBay sale. Or actually, how many actually claim it as income like they should.
The one e-bay sale I ever made was a while ago, but I don't recall seeing anything on the site itself reminding you to pay your taxes.  So, it's probably a personal responsibility issue.
Writing / NaNoWriMo 2005!
November 12, 2005, 07:39:05 PM
Quote from: XepherYou can start late, you just have to try and still finish on time.
I'm insane, not psychotic.

....yet. >.< ;)

Thank you for the encouragement, but I think I'll ascribe to the challenger status next year.  Wouldn't be wise to make my professors angry at me, after all.... ^^;;
General Chat / You Know You're A Nerd When...
November 12, 2005, 07:31:23 PM
Quote from: Lei... non japanese manga... does manga = japanese word for graphic novel anyways?

I have a lot more, from real life, but I can never remember stuff right off the bat like that.
It does.

But I can understand wanting to use the word 'manga' even when referring to comics in the Japanese style that have English-language origins.  Manga really did bring something completely different into the field of 'words-with-pictures' storytelling.  It would be a shame to not give credit where credit is due.  :D
General Chat / Girls don't exsist on the internet
November 12, 2005, 07:27:16 PM
Most of my tabletop gaming group is female.  ^-^

I am female.

So, there's got to be something wrong with us, right?

Then again....we have a male player who plays a female half-red dragon, half-halfling, went looking for a husband of similar stock (succeeded), and is currently pregnant with the spawn of satan (I will be killing her or them the minute my character finds out ~ it is not kosher to let the insane woman who took 3 real inches off of a map that fits on an 8 1/2 x 11" piece of paper by praying to the God of fire.  Volcanoes are not happy things to find in one's backyard *growls*)
General Chat / Comics
November 12, 2005, 07:13:24 PM
I'm surprised no one has mentioned

I don't have any FAVORITE comics in it, unfortunately, but that is because the entire storyline is just too good.  :D
~good comic too, but I really wish they'd get on the ball and tell me what happened to Rod, dangit! *growls*
~C'mon people!  Nodwick!  Online!  You don't have to subscribe to Dragon magazine to get the good stuff!
~8-bit Theatre, in case anyone missed the ball on that one. :)
~ *coughs* Bunnies love you!
[EDIT: Oh yes...the bunny returns later....]
~Angsty-ness be horrible in this comic.  Do not look at if you have trouble with the angst!
~ Need to catch up on this one myself....^^;;

Mmmm.....more to come later?  Probably.  :)