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Messages - Miluette

Applications / Millennium
November 10, 2005, 07:55:27 PM Sketchblog! /mildly irrelevant

I'm going on comic hiatus again until I get space somewhere/December, whichever comes first. I know I kinda have been because of circumstances (Ooh, since mid-September...I really miss my comic/site ;x;), but this means I won't be working on my comic at all, site or not, due to finals and whatnot. I have a big big Illustration project that I want looking good.

Of course I might be working on all those unfinished Millennium pictures once I get sick of my Illustration project. XD
General Chat / Some funny stuff!
November 10, 2005, 04:50:30 AM
XD rofl...that's great. Wow. I didn't know...people actually did that.

Did an image search too...
General Chat / Girls don't exsist on the internet
November 09, 2005, 09:44:22 PM
I don't get it.

On the other hand, I never met any gamers IRL, except my old old friends sort of... and save the local convention (Middle Tennessee Anime Convention). Of course no one THERE was surprised. Hell, I was surprised gamers existed in TN, no less anime fans. And people come from out of state to it too!

I want to meet gamers. :( I'm more like a casual gamer, no EXTREEEM gotta find the GOLDEN CHOCOBO type gamer... in fact, I hardly ever complete final bosses (which is sad, I feel obligated to... I MUST). But I consider myself a gamer.

MMOs, well, RO wasn't that bad for my short time with it. I have the feeling most people on RO are girls, LOL. But guh, I wanna play WoW, turn a few heads. Or maybe I'll just chose a male avatar like I always do. :B (I like playing something I can be attracted to...<3 *shot*)
General Chat / Girls don't exsist on the internet
November 08, 2005, 06:54:05 AM
Wow, this makes me so sad. :(
General Chat / Girls don't exsist on the internet
November 07, 2005, 04:10:46 AM
Bwargh! "I'm a girl, watch me dance! Give me money!" I MIGHT only do that if it was in a GAME for FUN with FAKE MONEY and I was really BORED... but that has nothing to do with reality. And since it does seem to be rediculous I'd avoid it.

I want to play these games now so I can freak people out. (But my voice is deep. It's not mannish, but I might sound like a guy trying to sound like a girl. >_<)

LOL, deviantart lowered the internet's collective braincells even more.

Anyway, I use my built-in radar to detect genders online when they're not obvious. My radar's 70-80% correct usually. Here's where I pass/fail:

Pass: I knew Xepher was a guy. Yay! I win!
Fail: ticky, despite your icon I assumed you were a guy for whatever reason. Also, kept misreading your username (whaaa? I'm weird). I lose!
General Chat / Girls don't exsist on the internet
November 06, 2005, 11:09:30 AM
This makes me sad. Especially since I like to choose male avatars in those sorts of things.

Seriously though, wah. Girls...exist. And...aren't all net whores. Poo to the ones that are, making the rest of us look bad.

I used to be part of a small gaming community. There were maybe 4 girls total over the 3 years I was with them, but they at least believed I was a girl. (Hehe, admin had a sister part of the community.) Most of the time I seem Neutral to people...well, more now than, say, 4 years ago, when there were lots of ^^ or ^__^.

Yeah, back then I made us all look bad too. :(
Writing / NaNoWriMo 2005!
November 01, 2005, 04:41:54 AM
I think if I were doing this I'd jump into cold water. Just like that, bam - new ideas.

Good luck, guys!
Applications / Harmonique
October 31, 2005, 05:29:15 PM
Oooo. Just to keep it short, I think you'll need more than that. Detail, detail, lots of detail. Artistic vision and whatnot. It's like a real job application.
Applications / Millennium
October 25, 2005, 11:58:26 PM, my site mirror, came back up recently, so if anyone wants to read through my comic, you can here:

The layout there isn't very good because, well, I didn't go to great lengths to make one for DD. I would like to have a layout for my main site and a separate one for DD, though. Probably work on that late next month.

I may upload the next 5 pages soon.

The first pages (prologue mostly) are not that good (though I still <3 them), and so is the start of Arc 1, but I'm more than compensating for it now. ^^` I rewrote them even, if I decide to ever redraw them, anyway. Hehe. But ohh, in my spare time I'm writing and molding the story and sketching the next pages and working on my style, and it is so very fun.

Edit 10/31: And a recently finished picture.
General Chat / Any other WoW players here?
October 23, 2005, 03:57:53 AM
I want to play WoW. Badly. Because of money issues and time/college issues and dail up issues, I probably won't for yeaaars. I did RO and ROSE for a while... RO went P2P way long ago so I tried private servers, and they sucked (though it was nice being able to see Prontera) ... And ROSE is going P2P in November. So all I have left is Maple Story, which is only fun with my friend. :( Guh.
General Chat / Giant Squiddies!
October 23, 2005, 03:51:12 AM
Oooo. Squids are cool. Especially giant ones... If I could swim, I'd probably be the one to be caught by one. It'd be better than a shark, anyway.

18 foot tentacles...
General Chat / Holy crap, is this true?
October 23, 2005, 03:49:25 AM
Wow. More MMORPGs need something like that.

Another reason for me to get WoW someday. TxT
General Chat / Air Force Kills Rudolph
October 23, 2005, 03:44:56 AM


To the first thing: Woooow. XD
To the second thing: O_O I always wondered if things like that happened. My my....
Writing / Help Pick a Title
October 21, 2005, 05:51:37 AM
I really like Worlds to Rise Above. That rings with me.

My second would be Colors of Sovereignty. Somehow though, somehow it seems more common. The other one, just...Yeah...<3
Writing / NaNoWriMo 2005!
October 21, 2005, 03:05:35 AM
I hope to try this sometime! But November is my Hectic Month, it so happens. I love writing though, and I could do it all day. All month, I'm not sure, but I'll test myself in a couple years anyway. <3 It should be fun, if I pick the right thing to write about.

On that note, I'm not sure if, when I finally do this, I'll use one of my many queued-up story ideas in my brain or totally fly by the sear of my pants. The former would be more immediately fulfilling... but the latter would be more random and fun. A much bigger test, definitely.

I know someone who's entering this. Introduced me to it, really. I'm going to point and laugh at her all month. Haw haw! *tomatoed*