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Get this, is actually in a pretty damn high rank.

Started by Databits, January 27, 2007, 04:09:02 AM

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(\_/)    ~Relakuyae D'Selemae
(")_(")  [Libre Office] [Chrome]


The problem is Alexa rankings are only sampled from people who have the alexa toolbar installed. And the alexa toolbar is actually listed/removed  by a lot of anti-spyware programs. You'll note that their stats show about a 33% decrease over the past 3 months, yet my own site statistics show almost the exact opposite. This comes as more and more people wise up and remove alexa. Also, since (AFAIK) Alexa is only available for Internet Explorer, that adds even more "loss" as people switch to firefox or other OSes like Mac and Linux. Still, though, even if it's not an accurate sample, it's still a good RELATIVE score... that is, is well into the top 100k sites, at least among IE users who install toolbars and don't run many anti-spyware programs. :-)


Which it still nice eh? Would you mind siting some sources on that information though? I'd love to stick it to someone who thinks that the stats there are perfect.
(\_/)    ~Relakuyae D'Selemae
(")_(")  [Libre Office] [Chrome]


Well, just go look at the alexa site itself... it tells you it's only for IE. It also tells you the toolbar/plugin is how it gathers it's stats. Then if you go look at spyware packages, many mention that they remove alexa. Just google for things like "alexa spyware" and you'll find a lot of the debates about whether it is or isn't spyware. If you look for "alexa rankings" you can find a lot of people discrediting their measurement methods. The thing is, there really isn't a good way to measure internet traffic on a global scale. It's a lot like world population counts... you can estimate, but that's it.