This report contains overall statistics.
Successful requests: 11,416
Average successful requests per day: 1,931
Successful requests for pages: 3,324
Average successful requests for pages per day: 562
Failed requests: 61
Redirected requests: 2
Distinct files requested: 358
Distinct hosts served: 636
Corrupt logfile lines: 108
Unwanted logfile entries: 5,326,175
Data transferred: 1.00 gigabytes
Average data transferred per day: 172.86 megabytes
This report lists the activity in each month.
Each unit () represents 800 requests or part thereof.
month: reqs: %reqs: pages: %pages: Gbytes: %bytes: --------: -----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: Jan 2008: 11416: 100%: 3324: 100%: 1.00: 100%:Busiest month: Jan 2008 (11,416 requests).
This report lists the activity in each day.
Each unit () represents 200 requests or part thereof.
date: reqs: %reqs: pages: %pages: Mbytes: %bytes: ---------: ----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: 1/Jan/08: 1929: 16.90%: 595: 17.90%: 182.34: 17.84%: 2/Jan/08: 1254: 10.98%: 259: 7.79%: 86.02: 8.42%: 3/Jan/08: 1782: 15.61%: 445: 13.39%: 145.00: 14.19%: 4/Jan/08: 2465: 21.59%: 751: 22.59%: 224.50: 21.97%: 5/Jan/08: 1898: 16.63%: 571: 17.18%: 173.58: 16.99%: 6/Jan/08: 2088: 18.29%: 703: 21.15%: 210.34: 20.59%:Busiest day: 4/Jan/08 (2,465 requests).
This report lists the total activity for each day of the week, summed over all the weeks in the report.
Each unit () represents 200 requests or part thereof.
day: reqs: %reqs: pages: %pages: Mbytes: %bytes: ---: ----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: Sun: 2088: 18.29%: 703: 21.15%: 210.34: 20.59%: Mon: 0: : 0: : 0.00: : Tue: 1929: 16.90%: 595: 17.90%: 182.34: 17.84%: Wed: 1254: 10.98%: 259: 7.79%: 86.02: 8.42%: Thu: 1782: 15.61%: 445: 13.39%: 145.00: 14.19%: Fri: 2465: 21.59%: 751: 22.59%: 224.50: 21.97%: Sat: 1898: 16.63%: 571: 17.18%: 173.58: 16.99%:
This report lists the total activity for each hour of the day, summed over all the days in the report.
Each unit () represents 50 requests or part thereof.
hour: reqs: %reqs: pages: %pages: Mbytes: %bytes: ----: ----: ------: -----: ------: ------: ------: 0: 272: 2.38%: 51: 1.53%: 16.50: 1.61%: 1: 410: 3.59%: 130: 3.91%: 37.40: 3.66%: 2: 727: 6.37%: 243: 7.31%: 80.95: 7.92%: 3: 732: 6.41%: 244: 7.34%: 66.81: 6.54%: 4: 680: 5.96%: 209: 6.29%: 76.50: 7.49%: 5: 449: 3.93%: 160: 4.81%: 34.13: 3.34%: 6: 347: 3.04%: 83: 2.50%: 22.96: 2.25%: 7: 696: 6.10%: 237: 7.13%: 71.40: 6.99%: 8: 372: 3.26%: 101: 3.04%: 31.80: 3.11%: 9: 405: 3.55%: 129: 3.88%: 27.04: 2.65%: 10: 197: 1.73%: 51: 1.53%: 15.51: 1.52%: 11: 255: 2.23%: 48: 1.44%: 18.20: 1.78%: 12: 521: 4.56%: 170: 5.11%: 49.35: 4.83%: 13: 322: 2.82%: 107: 3.22%: 30.93: 3.03%: 14: 270: 2.37%: 42: 1.26%: 17.35: 1.70%: 15: 289: 2.53%: 64: 1.93%: 20.51: 2.01%: 16: 455: 3.99%: 66: 1.99%: 29.17: 2.85%: 17: 662: 5.80%: 224: 6.74%: 69.16: 6.77%: 18: 592: 5.19%: 196: 5.90%: 61.34: 6.00%: 19: 399: 3.50%: 118: 3.55%: 37.47: 3.67%: 20: 586: 5.13%: 196: 5.90%: 65.81: 6.44%: 21: 536: 4.70%: 146: 4.39%: 42.89: 4.20%: 22: 615: 5.39%: 138: 4.15%: 43.60: 4.27%: 23: 627: 5.49%: 171: 5.14%: 55.02: 5.38%:
This report lists which servers people followed links from.
Listing the top 30 referring sites by the number of requests, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: site ----: ---- 9501: 124: 94: 64: 51: 9: 9: 7: 4: 4: 3: 3: 3: 3: 3: 2: 2: 2: 2: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 1: 4: [not listed: 4 sites]
This report lists which queries people used in search engines to find the site.
Listing queries, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: search term ----: ----------- 4: disguises 2: hidden disguises 2: hidden disguise 1: witchiebunny 1: hiddendisguises 1: coming up violet 1: deers comic 1: disquises 1: neko girl webcomic
This report lists which words people used in search engines to find the site.
Listing query words, sorted by the number of requests.
reqs: search term ----: ----------- 6: disguises 4: hidden 2: disguise 1: witchiebunny 1: webcomic 1: violet 1: hiddendisguises 1: neko 1: girl 1: disquises 1: comic 1: deers 1: coming 1: up
This report lists the times taken to process successful requests.
seconds: reqs: ---------: ----: 0: 1254: <= 0.01: 1565: 0.01-0.02: 1552: 0.02-0.05: 947: 0.05-0.1 : 270: 0.1 -0.2 : 417: 0.2 -0.5 : 1092: 0.5 -1 : 1109: 1- 2 : 1023: 2- 5 : 1160: 5- 10 : 550: 10- 20 : 321: 20- 60 : 121: 60-120 : 21: 120-300 : 12: 300-600 : 2:
This report lists the sizes of files.
size: reqs: %bytes: -----------: ----: ------: 0: 807: : 1B- 10B: 0: : 11B- 100B: 0: : 101B- 1kB: 3: : 1kB- 10kB: 3628: 0.93%: 10kB-100kB: 4219: 17.75%: 100kB- 1MB: 2759: 81.32%:
This report lists the extensions of files.
Listing extensions with at least 0.1% of the traffic, sorted by the amount of traffic.
reqs: %bytes: extension ----: ------: --------- 7179: 92.66%: .jpg [JPEG graphics] 235: 4.03%: .JPG 159: 2.33%: .GIF 2690: 0.38%: .html [Hypertext Markup Language] 621: 0.29%: .php [PHP] 433: 0.26%: .gif [GIF graphics] 99: 0.05%: [not listed: 2 extensions]
This report lists the directories from which files were requested. (The figures for each directory include all of its subdirectories.)
Listing directories with at least 1% of the requests for pages, sorted by the number of requests for pages.
reqs: pages: Gbytes: %bytes: 7-day Gbytes: %7-day bytes: directory -----: -----: ------: ------: ------------: ------------: --------- 11416: 3324: 1.00: 100%: 1.00: 100%: http:// 11416: 3324: 1.00: 100%: 1.00: 100%: 5988: 2602: 0.80: 80.05%: 0.80: 80.05%: