I already have my portfolio site here on Xepher, which I'm very happy with, but I'd like to get a separate account for an ongoing webcomic project I'm going to start in January.
desired username: girlbot
e-mail: jinxville at gmail dot com
current site: http://www.jinxville.com
sample strips:

The Intrepid Girlbot would, at least initially, update twice a week. I don't have a set storyline in mind. It's sort of an experimental idea. I'm just going to see where it takes me. I've already gotten some interesting ideas of where to take it.
Fesworks told me that I could allocate a domain for this from my current account, but I'd kind of like to keep them separate. It seems like it would be neater. If you don't feel that it's worth the trouble to set up a new account, I could try Fes's method.
desired username: girlbot
e-mail: jinxville at gmail dot com
current site: http://www.jinxville.com
sample strips:

The Intrepid Girlbot would, at least initially, update twice a week. I don't have a set storyline in mind. It's sort of an experimental idea. I'm just going to see where it takes me. I've already gotten some interesting ideas of where to take it.
Fesworks told me that I could allocate a domain for this from my current account, but I'd kind of like to keep them separate. It seems like it would be neater. If you don't feel that it's worth the trouble to set up a new account, I could try Fes's method.