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Started by Miluette, October 07, 2005, 04:09:16 AM

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Site username: millennium (that's right?)
Email: self.revolution[at]
Temporary site display:
Other art url:

Hello! I'm Jessica C. I prefer to be called Senshuu. I've been hopping servers for the past few years, and it's been madness (but quite a learning experience). Either servers went down or ran out of space - but this is promising and oh-so warm.

A description of my site? This is for my manga-esque, fantasy webcomic: Millennium. It has CG and sketch galleries, in-depth character descriptions and world information, and all sorts of extras like wallpapers and sprite dolls. As of November, the comic will be two years old. So far there are 65 pages.

On that note, my site was totally destroyed earlier and I don't have a full working version to show you. However, I do have this temporary display, hosted by a friend:

I have a lot more images and subcontent, but they're not uploaded because I couldn't send every single thing over to my friend. If you need them though, I can try.

And as a quick mention, all the "ads" on my page are just banner rotations that only add to comic exposure: completely not money-related.

Anyway, I realize there are a LOT of fantasy comics out there. Especially manga. And some are madly popular, and some aren't! I'm content with mine, as I have a lot of fun writing it and some good friends reading it. My aims with Millennium are making it a wacky, fun comic. (The majority of it is humor-oriented - and I have a strange sense of humor. :3`) There are things I want to do within it that haven't been done (in a particular way~), dialogues I want to write that aren't expected. I want it to feel familiar, but new. And I want to see my innermost ideals and creations in motion. After almost two years, the comic has jumped from a random chibi "side-thing" to something much, much more, and I want to see how much more it grows - I want to surprise myself!
Ah, about the comic itself, though: the plot is really basic. A fabled thing called the "Senshuu", thought to have reshaped the world every millennium, is coming on the year 3000. (A very young planet.) A young boy and his friend, who have been training to be Mages all their lives, have been sent to stop it. To do this, they need the direct help of the four Elemental Spirits and their powers. Now, beyond this, most of the comic centers on all the stuff that happens to the two main characters and their companions along the way - which is a lot, especially in the timeframe of 10 months.

I'd call it PG right now. It gets more PG13ish later on (much, much later on - in what I have planned) but nothing to the "R" extent. No porn, no nudity (at least, not yet), no extreme violence and especially no gore. Some bad language, not incredibly bad but when it comes around it'll be screened.

Oh, some more things:
I linked to my deviantART archive up there, just in case. It doesn't have any incredibly recent art, but it's filled with stuff from 2003 until mid this year, which is the same timeframe my comic's been worked on in (although the art as of ~right now~ is at its best). Some of my older stuff there isn't worth looking at too much.
A majority of my work online is done digitally (via Adobe Photoshop, Procreate Painter), but more recently I'm doing more with real media (most of which I haven't scanned).

Also, I have a domain name:
I can have it forward to my space (if I get accepted :3), unless you have a better way. (The way this one works: it forwards to the space, and even the space's url is shown in the bar as opposed to the domain name. I can have the domain name mask it, but then it's "" for every single page.)

Hmm. I guess that's it! I hope I wasn't too wordy.
Thank you!!
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?


Oh, I managed to do some quick artwork to show.

Comic pages: Page 50 The most recent page

Art (none are finished quite yet - started them all yesterday): The most finished of the three, but didn't take long to do. I can do better.

(I'd been waiting until my week break from college to work on art/pages for my comic, which had been on hiatus. I was hoping to update soon, too, but it looks like that won't happen. XD; Oh well.)

(Oh yeah, about where I'm hosting those, it's a temporary space someone let me have. ^^; It was going to be for my personal art/portfolio site (which I may also apply for later on, as soon as I get it organized), but I can no longer be hosted there, either.)

Edit: Axe the above statement. Space go boom. Geocities GO!
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?


everything but the DA site say "account suspended". The DA account itself has some decent art (extra points for the VGcats fanart!) but having a (working) site to show sure would help.
I don't hate everyone, I'm just very, very disappointed in them.


Wowies, all those links worked a few hours ago. Well, now you see why I can't be hosted there anymore. XD; My host was having issues.

I'll look for some other temporary space to show you something. @_@

Edit: Okay, the pics are all working. I'm working on getting my site up somewhere temporarily so you could take a look at that too. (It's all php stuff I'd rather not redo for Geocities...) I'd like to link you to my Drunkduck comic mirror so you can look at the comic, too, but Drunkduck is down also. It's our lucky week, isn't it?

Edit 2: Okay, temporary display's back in a non-crashing fashion.

If you want more content just let me know - I have it so only everything on the main page (except the affiliate banners) looks correct. (I'd upload more if my connection were faster - I'm sending these things to someone to upload for me. ^^`)

Edit 3: And just in case Geocities goes kablooey, this is back:

Edit 4: Oh yeah. I was thinking of redesigning my site's layout once I got it back up, but I haven't sketched out my ideas as thumbnails yet. I got kinda bored with tables...
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?


It looks good, though I don't see absolutely amazing. So I'll ask how much do you plan on updating? And I'll come by if I think of anything else.
"Don't follow into my footsteps; I walk into walls."


Absolutely amazing it certainly is not, but it's not often I see something eye-stopping, either. ;) I shoot for "entertaining." (Although, where my story is now, it could have stood to be better, or have had a better start, yes, as many webcomic authors say.)

...On that note, I update twice a week. I'd shoot for 3/week if it weren't for college and other things. I'm queuing up pages and images to update with right now, so I can once I have a site again - whenever and however that may be. ^^;

Oh yeah, I had a web design question, although I may not be keeping that layout for long anyway. (I want to shoot for a more professional or fun one, hehe.) But it would probably answer other questions of mine for the future.
The floating blue head there, I wanted it to be in a fixed position relatively near to the right side of the table. However, I found that it will be in the wrong place if the window isn't maximized, or if there're smaller resolutions involved, because no matter what it's at those certain coordinates...

So, I haven't really figured out how to remedy that. I need help. ^^; I figure once I figure that out I'll be able to make a LOT of better layouts, because there're only certain ways I know to make websites. (Note that I do do all my layouts in Wordpad. It's probably obvious, though.)

Also, if I didn't mention it before, the link buttons on the right are broken 'cause they haven't been uploaded. ...And, well, that goes for everything else on the site, too. Of course, available on request.

Edit again! While I'm at it! Does anyone have suggestions for good free php scripts for: counters (today's visitors, total visitors, AND total hits) and "__ people online" scripts? I tried looking, but you know, I found a bunch and I don't know which one to take. I wonder what the difference is sometimes.
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?


good answer, good answer :D

 I'm gonna say you should be let in. Wish you luck!
"Don't follow into my footsteps; I walk into walls."


And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?

Miluette, my site mirror, came back up recently, so if anyone wants to read through my comic, you can here:

The layout there isn't very good because, well, I didn't go to great lengths to make one for DD. I would like to have a layout for my main site and a separate one for DD, though. Probably work on that late next month.

I may upload the next 5 pages soon.

The first pages (prologue mostly) are not that good (though I still <3 them), and so is the start of Arc 1, but I'm more than compensating for it now. ^^` I rewrote them even, if I decide to ever redraw them, anyway. Hehe. But ohh, in my spare time I'm writing and molding the story and sketching the next pages and working on my style, and it is so very fun.

Edit 10/31: And a recently finished picture.
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?

Miluette Sketchblog! /mildly irrelevant

I'm going on comic hiatus again until I get space somewhere/December, whichever comes first. I know I kinda have been because of circumstances (Ooh, since mid-September...I really miss my comic/site ;x;), but this means I won't be working on my comic at all, site or not, due to finals and whatnot. I have a big big Illustration project that I want looking good.

Of course I might be working on all those unfinished Millennium pictures once I get sick of my Illustration project. XD
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?


Diprotodon sounds like something I'd write into one of my stories. :B

(Haha, yes, I did it.)
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?


Okay, you've been patient enough, and the art works. You should have an email with instructions, follow all of them! :-)


Thank you thank you!

I can't seem to log into my site though. I set my password and all. (It says incorrect login. :() Awk! *did something wrong?*
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?


Can't seem to login to what? FTP? SSH? The account interface? Email?

Email me at my admin account (the one that sent you the acceptance email) and we'll work this out.


Oh, oh, nevermind. Seems I got my passwords backwards. Haha, should have tried that before saying anything. Hehe, carry on, and thanks again. <3;;
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?