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Started by Xepher, November 10, 2005, 05:33:32 PM

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So I end up with a lot of, what we shall call comic-reading time at work. As such, I quickly run out of comics to read. So I figure I'd start a thread here, asking for some more recomendations. I think it's probably safe to skip the really popular ones, so no need for everyone to point out penny arcade, megatokyo, ctrl+alt+del, or VGcats. Also, I think it'd be more entertaining if everyone posts a link to a specific strip they found funny, rather than just the comic in general.

Here's a new one I found recently.


I spend entirely too much time reading webcomics, so here are a few to share:

Bunny has a consistently surreal mood:

Mark Stanley's Freefall is a slow-paced story line with deeply insightful moments mixed with great comedy:

Oops, Nevermind is a strip that has been running for about 6 months now. Alien girl moves into guy's house with her pet dragon..


I read freefall regularly, but I'd never seen the other two... gotta love anything that can dress up a pink bunny as Dr. Who though!


I like - offbeat humor
As a furry, you may appreciate this one
basic electronics symbols - funny and sweet, if a little off color at times
A storage kit for fish tacos! - crazy homicidal teddy bears with no sense of ethics
POLITICAL METAPHOR! - fuck, it's white ninja.  If you don't read this already, you need a kick in the arse.  
White Ninja and the Hairy Palm - not funny, but nice surreal industrial fantasy feel - more offbeat, popish hipster humor
the beginning of the 6 or so strip long zoo storyline! - checking my genitals does not help determine my species!
the void that gangs once filled for me



hmmm...  I don't read many webcomics, and most of 'em I do read are little known, so here goes: -Chasing the Sunset- a somewhat serious fantasy comic, currently on a (presumably) short hiatus.  It has a blue drageling with orange stripes, so I checked it out.  I like the URL too. :)
A specific strip?  "The secret to rest and quietness"- - a bit paintball-oriented, but it has some other stuff, too!  Mostly anthro.  
A specific strip?  "Doc's Truck" -  Not much else to say about this one.  - Misadventures, etc.  Formerly known as 'Misadventures of Jiko'.  Some decent anthro work, and a lack of plot, but it's well done. (mostly)
Specific strip?  "of knights and dragons"  (the author's avatar is a mini-dragon, for clarification) -

I might post more later, but I won't right now.


I'm not sure if you consider Errant Story a popular comic or not, but it is a good one.

Kira Dwenna

I'm surprised no one has mentioned

I don't have any FAVORITE comics in it, unfortunately, but that is because the entire storyline is just too good.  :D
~good comic too, but I really wish they'd get on the ball and tell me what happened to Rod, dangit! *growls*
~C'mon people!  Nodwick!  Online!  You don't have to subscribe to Dragon magazine to get the good stuff!
~8-bit Theatre, in case anyone missed the ball on that one. :)
~ *coughs* Bunnies love you!
[EDIT: Oh yes...the bunny returns later....]
~Angsty-ness be horrible in this comic.  Do not look at if you have trouble with the angst!
~ Need to catch up on this one myself....^^;;

Mmmm.....more to come later?  Probably.  :)
Sometimes I feel unreal;
A wrapped up box with nothing in it,
I reach out and I touch my limit.


Full Frontal Nerdity is funny, and on my regular list. Seaph-inn looks pretty good for the first few pages. At least good art anyway, hard to judge a story that quickly. Chisuji... coming up on manga overload. 8-bit theater... I thought I said no popular comics. Everyone and there mother has imitated or cameod that one. :-) Alien Dice... Kinda interesting, but I didn't really get into it. Perhaps I just haven't given it enough of a shot. For now though, I prefer her main comic Shivae itself. Animearcadia... Yeah, manga overload.

As for the rest of the replies above... Yikes! I don't have the time to check all those out yet, but some of them look promising. I'll get to them soon enough.


Hmm...rather than link to them all, I'll just mention that I have read most of Tiffany Ross's Cyantia work, and it's all pretty good.  You can find a list of all of her works at any of her comics (like Alien Dice or Shivae, mentioned by others above.)


What about PvP and Penny Arcade?


My friend just found this one earlier today:

I don't read webcomics, but I'm adding this to my LJ links list so I'll be sure to check it out every now and then. ^-^
"You can get all A's and still flunk life." (Walker Percy)


Don't forget "The Order of the Stick"!!!
All D&D and most RPG fans should love this comic.
If you haven't read it, only start with the first.


I think I read somewhere around 45 comics, but I don't know what to suggest. ;x; I'd reccomend Inverloch to anyone, though. Its art was good in the beginning, but 400 pages later and it's somehow BETTER. Also, easy to read through those 400 pages in one sitting.
And wasn't it you who told me,
"The sun would always chase the day"?

Kira Dwenna

Quote from: Xepher8-bit theater... I thought I said no popular comics. Everyone and there mother has imitated or cameod that one. :-)
Just making sure.  ;)

Here's a few more for you: - Her update schedule has been a little bit iffy for a while now, but her art style is fairly interesting. - This one is more manga style than you'd like, I'm sure.  But the colors the artist uses are drop-dead gorgeous!
Here's an example.


I'm going to have to ask, but, what really constitutes a manga'ish comic?  There are the obvious looks of course - big eyes, japanese uses of picture expressions (sweatdrops, etc.), but if anyone has looked at recent American comics lately (marvel comes to mind) it looks like the eastern style is beginning to affect them, doesn't it?
Sometimes I feel unreal;
A wrapped up box with nothing in it,
I reach out and I touch my limit.


Yeah, and while I can appriciate manga to some degree, I really wish everything wasn't leaning that way these days. I knew anime/manga has taken over too much when I saw "The Boondocks" (on adult swim) the other night. For those who never saw the comic and haven't seen the show, it's about a couple of black kids and their grandfather. They move to the suburbs, and most of the comedy results from the culture clash between their inner-city attitudes and the whitebread suburban neighbors. The guy who did the comic is often called "The angriest black man in america." It's really "edgy" in the sense that's got a lot of racist humor, liberal use of cusswords, etc. The entire thing is drawn in a (rather good) anime style though, and it somehow works for the show. In fact, it's down right hilarious to see a "nigga moment" (their phrase) where there's these fat mall patrons getting into a brawl, and it does all the anime stuff... the huge leaps with nothing but streaking backgrounds, the roundhouse kicks, the quivvering lip I've-just-been-punched looks, etc.

Anyway, I just think too many things are going asian. It was one thing when it was obscure and "artistic" but now, like many other things, it's just a bandwagon. The whole thing that made anime great in the beginning was that it was different than everything else we saw here in the west. Cartoons that had real violence, cartoons with plots for adults, cartoons that questioned philosophy. It was new, and a lot of it was good. But now... I mean, I can understand subtle influences, but some of it is starting to look downright fanboyish. Having larger eyes on your characters is subtle... having Robin (in Teen Titans) sigh with the pict-emotion little puff symbol is just stupid. Those are stupid in general though, especially in a moving format. It's one thing in manga to use those, but when you've got a full-motion medium to convey things through, resorting to icons is just downright lazy, and there is NO excuse for it. Disney used to be the one holdout who I figured would always upload the classical styles of animation. Then they went and shut down their entire traditional animation department. I love disney, but I hate Disney. But that's another rant...