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Any other WoW players here?

Started by Databits, July 22, 2005, 09:32:35 AM

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I play COH, like the superhero/X-Men geek that I am. If anyone else does, do tell.
I am sick. I am sick, sick, sick of your shit. And when I'm not sick, I'm tired. I am sick and tired!

Kahootz... I've been... *kahooted*.


That's the one of the few complaints I have with WoW... Since it takes so long to get a character up to high levels, you're pretty much stuck with that character if you don't play ALL the time. Then when you meet other people who play WoW (like here) the odds that you're both on the same server are nil. Anything but an MMO, and you can just say "hey, let's go play on server ____ for a few rounds." I try to create characters on servers with people I know, but I run into the same problem as Fyre. By the time I get a few levels, they give up and I don't see them for months. Then I find some new people "Come to Shadow Moon, it's great!" and then they give up those chars by the time I make 20... Grrr!

Ashley, how is CoH? I hear good things, but I'm not that big of a fan of most comic books, though I do like a few.


sadly I can't afford to play online RPG's right now But I do love to play them like the FF RPG's and more.....*wink*


I play MMORPGs as long as I don't have to pay for them (currently addicted to Dofus) They aren't as good, but my dad gets on my back enough without having to spend money on the games.

 WoW looks like lots of fun though. I have a few guyfriends that play it.. typically I never see them out of school.
"Don't follow into my footsteps; I walk into walls."


Yeah Xepher, that is possibly the biggest problem in WoW. I mean, I love playing with my friends and don't want to switch servers on them. My only real life friend has connected me with some awesome in game friends that I don't want to leave behind as well. After a while, you really begin to plant your roots into one server.

I think Blizzard tried in a very failed attempt to remedy this problem by allowing character transfers. Once you think about it though, the odds that the two servers you need are connected to each other are pretty low. I have yet to have any servers that I play on get connected to another friends server. :/

My friends have given up before they even hit 20 and also right as I hit 35. I was like, "Okay guys, please stop doing this." I was getting so used to playing my druid and was looking for my saber mount and they up and move servers on me. >_<


Yeah... the character transfer thing they do from time to time isn't so much for social reasons, as to balance out the populations. When a server gets overcrowded, they sometimes offer people a chance to move from that specific high population server to another, single, low population server. Then there are games like Eve Online (and a few others) where you can pay a fee and have your character transfered to whatever server you want. I think that's a gyp for a game you're already paying a subscription for.


Yeah I agree... RO does that on their official servers as well. You shouldn't need to pay additional costs for server transfer. Actually, If I do get this mmo running, I'd like to run a different type of system. Where you have a single character and chat server, but multiple world servers. That way you can log in, select your character, and then your realm. So people could get their whole group onto any server for say a quest (which would carry around to all servers since account variables is how that stuff is tracked) and not need to worry if it's overcrowded. The purpose of a single chat server would be to allow people from any realm to communicate.

There are, however, a few issues with this system.

The first would be, well, things like the auction house in WoW. That's more of a world thing, unless you do something like an auction house server as well. As for AH stuff... what I wanted to do was build an additional web interface that allowed people to vend/bid items on their characters on a website as well as in game (say you want to check or set up auctions but don't have the client installed at work).

The second problem would be things like character management by GM's and whatnot. You'd need some sort of server "cool down" implemented. That way a player couldn't just log, relog, relog, relog... onto different realms. It would make it a nightmare to track down the person if the need arised.

The third is things like server type... roleplaying, player vs player, normal (whatever the hell that is)? How would you handle something like that on a system like this. I'd think that it would be more like the normal/rp servers on WoW. Where those who like pvp can flag themselves, and those who don't, well, don't. As for seperation between rp and normal, that's a bit more tough to do.

Aside from that, I'm sure there are other issues that would arise with a system like that. I just think, because many people are quite stupid, it would be abused somehow. You'd also need to make sure that ALL realms are exactly the same as the next.
(\_/)    ~Relakuyae D'Selemae
(")_(")  [Libre Office] [Chrome]


You might want to check out The Basin WoW Forums. We have close to 1300 members playing as friends.


Actually, since my old guild died, I've joined a new one. So far, quite good and active, so plenty of fun people to play with whenever I get online. Thanks though!

And in case anyone's curious, I've got a 47 elf druid on Terenas, and a low level (20ish) tauren hunter on Shadow Moon. Lemme know if youre one either and want to play.


Id join you Xepher but I am too hooked to my current character and don't want to start a new one. If anything though, I might consider joining your Tauren with a priest. I still have yet to make a priest :P

(I have 10 levels to go and a million stacks of runecloth to get my epic raptor. Watch out world. Here I come!)


Heh... I just hit lvl 44 on Argent Dawn today with my rogue. I'm trying to keep my brother interested in the game, but he's disapointed with the lack of roleplaying on the AD server (which from what I hear may as well be classified as a Normal server rather than an Roleplaying server).
(\_/)    ~Relakuyae D'Selemae
(")_(")  [Libre Office] [Chrome]


I considered joining an RP server. it sounds really run. I randomly go through bouts of RPing on my character. I talked to an NPC before and people were running by me. Needless to say, it was amusing. :D


Honestly, if you're going to play on an RP server to RP... don't pick Argent Dawn. The server may as well be classified as a normal server, because roleplaying is rather rare. We also get occasional attacks by people from the Blacrock server when theirs goes down. They all sit in Ironforge and spam yell until their server comes back online. Blizzard GM's, for the record, are quite useless. They have yet to enforce a damn thing from what I've seen. They sent me back this "we're working on resolving this issue" and two weeks later I see the exact same people spamming still. Way to go Blizzard!

It saddens me that a FREE server like Valhalla Online had better GM interaction and policy enforcement than a game you must pay for. They could at the very least do a realm ban on those accounts that have a record of that crap. Since they don't really *play* on the server, they just make 1st level gnomes and spam. Ahh well, not much I can do about it other than constantly writing the complaints like so many other players.
(\_/)    ~Relakuyae D'Selemae
(")_(")  [Libre Office] [Chrome]


Yeah, they are slow to fix some things... on the other hand, most of the bugs I've complained about HAVE been fixed, usually by the next patch. The responses were always the same "We are work to resolve this..." response, so I just figured it was a brush off, but then things actually get fixed. As for people "spamming" well... I can't say much for it. Just imagine how hard it would be to try and manage a bunch of PAYING customers who complain about each other. They can't just kick someone for being a bit annoying here and there, and on the other hand, they don't have nearly enough resources to monitor people's behavior all the time. And while it may be "obvious" that people are being 'tards to you, it's not always so apparent when you jump into the middle of something. Anyone who's ever been a forum mod knows what I'm talking about... Now imagine only getting the last 10 posts, rather than the whole thread. Who's to blame? You just have people pointing fingers at each other, and no real evidence to go on.

P.S. Data: You spelled your title wrong. It should be "cigoL esreveR"

P.P.S. I'm suddenly saddened that I notice backwards mispellings by accident, yet have trouble properly spelling a vast majority of words forwards.


It's not just me though, when they do it apparently there are a LOT of people who register complaints about the peopl who do it. I've noticed it isn't quite as bad as it used to be, but it still happens (WoW did build in realm bans to the server recently now). It only happens when the Blackrock server goes down though.

As for my title... It's fixed.
(\_/)    ~Relakuyae D'Selemae
(")_(")  [Libre Office] [Chrome]