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Topics - MHPayne

Technical Support / User Services Link
July 26, 2010, 10:10:39 PM

     I'd had a thought over the weekend down at Comic Con and wanted to check the little banners I uploaded through the User Services link last year.  But when I click on "User Services" there on the main page, Firefox tells me "This Connection is Untrusted" and that it can't confirm that my connection is secure.  Could you please take a look when you get a chance?

                         Mike from
General Chat / WebCartoonists' Choice Awards
January 14, 2008, 05:38:30 PM

I've been waiting for the guys in charge of such things to issue the Official Press Release about this year's awards, but since they haven't yet, I guess I'll be all unofficial and just post an announcement about it.   :)

So we're now accepting nominations for the 8th annual WebCartoonists' Choice Awards.  If you're involved in making a webcomic--writer, artist, letterer, webmaster (this means you, too, Xepher!)--you can register to vote by sending me an e-mail at my Terebinth address,, with your name and the URL of the webcomic you're working on.  I'll then send you a ballot upon which you can nominate up to three webcomics--including your own--per category, and you'll have till January 23rd to get the ballot back to us.

The WCCAs are all about other webcartoonists telling us what webcomics they like--I can't nominate and my comics aren't eligible since I'm one of the guys counting the ballots--so the more folks we get involved, the better the results will be.  Drop me a line, then, if you're interested, and thanks!

Mike Payne, the Registrar