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SubRosa comic

Started by divergence5, March 08, 2012, 03:48:06 PM

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Username/sitename subrosa


hello there, i'm looking for at good free hosting site for my webcomic SubRosa (which is coded in I'm planning on updating it semi-frequently because of work and stuff like that I'd like to update it more frequently but i can't say anything for sure. The site it self is all complete with a bankend and a frontend. Right now its hosted here  but I'd like for the URL to include the name of the comic.



The comic doesn't look have bad, however, runs on a linux system, and ASP is a microsoft language. While there is an interpreter for linux called mod_mono, it is not installed on this server, as it's a pain to administer. If you're not dead-set on using asp, I'll certainly consider it, but if you are, I'm afraid I won't be able to host the site here.


thanks, but I'm afraid I only know But thanks anyway. I'll keep my account though in the event that I learn PHP (at least i think its PHP right?)


Yeah, any regular html, php, perl, python, ruby, or just about any other cgi language that works under a linux environment.


I've actually had it converted to HTML with the help from a friend so... do you have space? :)


Sure, why not? :-P You should have an email soon with login information. Please be sure to read and follow the directions.


thank you ever so much, its up and running! :D