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Messages - griever

General Chat / Happy Easter
April 08, 2007, 11:59:05 PM
I had expensive burritos! ^-^

Fes, why can't you use the bunny suits?  Or is to too playboy?
General Chat / I'm not dead!
April 06, 2007, 12:47:35 AM
That's pretty cool...I'd never heard of that.  I doubt my parents could ever get that...we just got dsl in our area maybe 3 years ago?  Dial up is still the dominant method there.
Great art and great application.  The websites are really plain, but they don't look template to me.
Quote from: jekkalXepher's current process for websites seems to meet this criterion...
Xepher's filtering mostly webcomics, not so much blogs.
Most of the people I need to make connections with do graphics.  No one cares about information.  It's all about huge graphics with big anime eyes.  Most of the sites that I'd like to affiliate with are either blogs (and concerned about opinion), switched to forums, or dead.  I like anime, but the fans drive me up the wall sometimes.  Most of the time.  I want to smash them with the squeaky mallet o' doom.

With the change, hits have dropped off, but I'm guessing that they'll pick up again in the next 6 months.  By pick up, I mean go back to their 100 or so a day.  x.x
No offense taken...I'm actually glad I don't take up a lot of room.  If I ever get to be a serious blip, I'll start forking over cash.  At the rate I've been going, it might take 20 years.  x.x
Thanks, Xepher! ^-^  Each file about 1 MB, so it shouldn't be too bad, I hope.  I'm planning on adding a download counter before I add that section to my site, so in the event that I make a lot, I can prune the unpopular collection.
Sims 2 unfurnished houses....  *hides*  I used to want to be an architect before the male-dominated atmosphere drove me up the wall and sent me crying into computer science...not the smartest choice I made, but they are both enjoyable hobbies.
I want to add a section of downloads to my site (all legal!), but I don't want to use up resources to do so.  The files will be comparatively large (0.5-3MB each) and I'm anticipating on there being a lot of them.  I know of Yousendit, RapidShare, and Megaupload, but those three sites only let you have files up for 7-30 days.  I'm looking for something a little more permanent.

Does anyone have a file hosting service that they'd recommend?  I've never really had to store anything before, so I have no idea about what's good and what's bad.
Art / Hey, sup?
March 30, 2007, 12:31:05 PM
Wow, those are really nice!
Actually, I wish there was some kind of site that filtered membership of blogs.  Kind of like Technorati, but actually fussy about who they let in.  Only quality content and then you could search those decent blogs and find something that wasn't emo.

Gywn: I think that's Fez. :P  He lives with a giant rat.  But the usual response, at least here, is to commit suicide OR go apeshit crazy and kill the bully.  With a boxcutter.  ^-^  We could merge the tag thread with this one.  *chases after Gwyn*  :P
Ahh...yes...and even people without blogs are still jerks.  Sorry, when I read it, I got concerned in the topic of cyber bullying and forgot about the code of conduct call, which was the main topic.  x.x  Oops.
Doing my usual round of news reading and I thought you all might find this article interesting.
I've noticed a lot of people switching over to blogs as content management systems.  In some cases, it works, but in many cases, it isn't the right format.  I think Wordpress is catching onto of the plug-ins now features is a static front page, so you can make your blog appear more web sitey.

When I search for stuff on Google though, I normally don't get more than one blog on the first page, unless I add "blog" or "review" to the search phrase (and this is rare, because I hate having things spoiled for me in "reviews").  My guess is that for the things I'm interested in, most people don't make websites or blogs, or make websites instead of blogs.  I very rarely see a LJ or Xanga link in any of the first 2 or 3 pages - if a blog does come up, it's usually a Wordpress one.  I do see a lot of forum sites though, which irks me probably as much as you are irked by blogs.
I hate MySpace.  I refuse to visit MySpace profiles anymore because they're horrible, with huge images and music playing automatically.  Half the time, the "friends" are just sycophants who want return comments.  It's also the only website that has made any brower I use freeze up and die.

@Databits: I prefer LiveJournal because I can keep my drivel friends only and out of the general search engines, although at this point, they're mostly open, because my parents want to read about all the cheap sushi I'm eating.  Multiple times a day is annoying, unless it's two separate major events, IMHO.

Email...I don't want to become one of those people who joins the category of the forwarders - every day, spamming up people's inboxes because I think they might be interested in my life.  You filter the list after they tell you they don't want to be added, but then get yelled at 3 months later because you didn't let them know something major happened.  With the amount of relatives I'd have to email, it's way too much trouble.  They all have the address - they can read it if they want.

Not flamey, I hope. :)