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Messages - Xepher

General Chat / Re: Shameless Plug
November 15, 2012, 05:04:46 AM
It looks pretty cool, but at the same time, not really the type of game I'm into. That said, I'm pledging anyway. Indie games with actual talent are awesome, and I'm also cheering for linux support for casual games. If you like this sort of thing, chip in. It's fun to back projects from real people, not just mega-studios trying to separate you from your dollar. That said, looks like they hit their goal and this thing is funded. Congratulations guys!
Technical Support / Re: Animal Transformation Ring
November 15, 2012, 04:52:53 AM
I'm afraid I'm not exactly sure what you're referring to. The main page of your site doesn't seem to have any "ring" links on it. I'm assuming it must be on some sub page somewhere. That said, most of the old "ring" sites used to basically require a sign up with their central server, and then posting of code to actually put the ring links/icons/etc on your own page. To remove yourself from such things, you likely need to delete your account with whatever central site runs that ring, and then remove the code blocks from your html pages.
Announcements / Re: Upgraded to PHP 5.4
October 15, 2012, 07:46:53 AM
I think I've fixed the main page errors. My code had some obsolete functions in it that I needed to update. Mainly, check that a variable exists before using it. For the error you were getting, this page explains that it's been removed in php 5.4 As this was removed from PHP since it's a large security issue (since it's basically a replacement for the horribly insecure "register_globals") it's not something I'm likely to revert. I'd suggest you find a new poll plugin that doesn't rely on this, or see if there's an updated version. That said, there are some suggestions in the comments on that page for using extract() to replace the functionality, but I'd really advise against that (for the aforementioned security issues.) I do apologize for the trouble though. Hopefully it won't be too big of a pain to replace. If you have more trouble too, just let me know.
Announcements / Upgraded to PHP 5.4
October 15, 2012, 02:22:47 AM
The server has been upgraded to PHP 5.4.6 (from 5.3.15) and other minor software bits were upgraded as well. As usual, if you run into problems, please let me know.
Announcements / Re: I'll be off line for the next week
October 09, 2012, 06:40:36 AM
Okay, back and it looks like nothing broke. Yay!
Announcements / I'll be off line for the next week
September 30, 2012, 06:06:50 AM
I'm going on a cruise this week, and won't have any form of internet access until I return on the 7th of October. As such, please don't be offended if I don't respond to email or other issues until then. :-)

Edit: Back now, all good!
Applications / Re: Bibby Team
September 27, 2012, 05:38:46 AM
The pictures aren't bad, but a photo gallery alone fits much better at places like picasa or flickr, and isn't really something that needs the type of hosting I provide. I'm afraid I still have to say no at this point.
Applications / Re: Fur Flys
September 12, 2012, 03:46:45 AM
I'm sorry, but there's really not enough here for your application to be considered. Your FA account only has 8 images and that's simply not enough of a portfolio to judge. Please don't let that discourage you though. Keep up with your art, work on your comic, and post pages on FA and elsewhere in the community. If you're still at it next year and have more stuff to showcase, feel free to come back and reapply. Best of luck to you! :-)
Applications / Re: Bibby Team
August 29, 2012, 05:28:03 AM
I'm sorry, but as I mentioned when you emailed me, an application will need to provide more examples than that. There's only one photo for the photography section, two pages for the comic you mention, etc. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying no, but one of the criteria here is to see some evidence that you're committed to whatever project(s) you're asking for space for. That generally means a decent corpus of prior work. If you have more, please let us see it.
Announcements / Re: System Updates
August 10, 2012, 06:17:46 AM
I need to... and it is on my to-do list. Sorry I haven't gotten to it yet. Please keep bugging me about it though, I need the prodding.
Applications / Re: Control Your Offspring
June 19, 2012, 05:34:03 AM
Sorry I'm slow to respond... been busy IRL this past week. Anyway, okay, good enough for me, you're in! You should have an email with instructions shortly. Please read/follow the initial setup instructions there, and if you have questions (or don't get it) let me know.
Applications / Re: Control Your Offspring
June 15, 2012, 04:24:10 AM
I look through some of the comics you have up, and definitely got a chuckle or two. It looks like you've been keeping fairly regular updates since last fall, so that's good too. The comicpress setup is quiet functional as well. Is it something you installed/managed yourself, or was it provided by your current host? I ask because there's no automation of that sort here, and I need to make sure you're able to install/setup whatever you need for your site if you move here.
Announcements / System Updates
June 03, 2012, 09:50:11 PM
I've once again upgraded the system software. PHP is now 5.3.13 and apache is at 2.2.22 now. There were a few dozen other packages updated as well, and some obsolete packages were removed (mostly perl modules.) As always, if you run into any problems,  just let me know.
Applications / Re: World Of Svae
March 23, 2012, 04:31:35 AM
Heh, no worries, thanks.
Applications / Re: SubRosa comic
March 21, 2012, 01:41:50 AM
Sure, why not? :-P You should have an email soon with login information. Please be sure to read and follow the directions.